22 > Charles Leclerc - Overwhelmed

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A/N: Mention of anxiety & panic attacks. Just want to remind everyone that anxiety is experienced and expressed differently by everyone.

You thought you could do it. You were so fine the past few months, not a single panic attack or anything of the kind. You felt good and happy, not stressed and anxious. You had done so much progress over the past year. You felt as if nothing could hold you back anymore. That is why you had thought that this year, it would be a good idea to join your boyfriend at one of his races. You had met Charles when you were both children, becoming close friends that grew into love as you became older. He was there when you had that giant panic attack that got you to the hospital and when, a couple of days later, you were diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Because of this illness, you never joined Charles at any of his professional race. The simple thought of going had given you a panic attack in the past. But you were fine now, you were good. So one night, when you were cuddling on the couch watching a movie, you gathered all your courage and mentioned the idea to Charles. The reaction you got was immediate. He took the remote and put the TV on pause.

"You want to come to one of my race?" He repeated, wanted to make sure he heard well. His green eyes looking down at you, full of excitement but also worry. God knows how much he wanted you to be there, by his side, at his races. However, he didn't want any of that if you were not okay with this. "Yeah, I mean, if you want me there?" For a second, you doubted it. Not sure anymore if he wanted you to accompany him to one of his Grand Prix. "No no no no," Charles stopped you, his right hand framing your cheek so you were forced to look at him. "God, you have no idea how much I want you by my side at every Grand Prix. I just want to be sure and absolutely sure that you are okay with this. A Grand Prix can be a lot to handle." Charles was searching into your eyes any sign of nervousness and doubt, but he did not find any, only excitement at the idea to spend a weekend supporting your boyfriend at one of his races. After a long discussion, you and Charles had determined that the French GP would be the best option. It was close to home, so there would be no hotel and you would then stay in the comfort of your home during the weekend. It was also in a country that you spoke the language. The other advantage was that since it wasn't an important race either for Ferrari or Charles, there wouldn't be an extra amount of media around him. Unlike the Italian GP or the Monaco GP. You also decided that it would be better to only come Sunday instead of the whole weekend, to not precipitate things.

The few days before the Grand Prix, Charles watched you closely. He wanted to make sure that you were still up to it, that you were still 'stable' enough to come to Le Castellet with him. He knew better than ask you directly, it would just do the opposite that he wanted: it would make you doubt the whole thing and you would overthink it. Instead, he stayed awake a little bit longer than usual, to see if you were not turning around in the bed overthinking all night. He watched for signs of anxiety when you were outside in the middle of crowds, if you were tense, if you were shaking, if you were breathing a little bit harder than usual or if you were focusing more on the exits than the conversation that you were having with him. He noticed nothing of the kind. That is when he let his guard down, you were right, you were in control of your anxiety and he could not be more proud of you.

It was announced to be a good weekend for Ferrari. It wasn't a beating-Mercedes kinda weekend, Sebastian and Charles finishing right behind Hamilton and Bottas in third and fourth position in the free practices. In qualifying, Charles had qualified 3rd, right in front of his teammate. A podium was definitely in reach for him. He would try his best, he wanted to make sure that the first race you would attend would be worth remembering.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2020 ⏰

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