12 > Daniel Ricciardo - Jealous

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This is kind of (?) a following of my Daniel imagine "French skills" :)

requested by F1passion

The first free practice of the Canadian Grand Prix was now done and the second free practice wasn't scheduled until the afternoon which left you some time to analyze some data in order to be ready for FP2. It wasn't 12 PM yet, but you could feel the sun burning your back as you sat at the pit wall, looking at the screens in front of you while taking some notes in your notebook. You were the only one of your team that had stayed there, everybody else had gone to the Renault paddock to eat something before the second practice would start. You, on the other hand, had said that you would join them later, you had things to finish first. It wasn't the best idea since you were extremely tired and food would certainly help get a little boost. Even if you were in Montreal for two days already, you had a lot of difficulties to adjust to the Eastern North American time zone and it made you more tired than ever and on top of that, your head was pounding. You closed your eyes when the data in front of you didn't make sense anymore, the headache being too strong for you to concentrate. You rubbed your temples, trying to relieve the pain but of course, it didn't help at all. Too concentrated on your headache, you never heard Daniel crossing the pit line to join you.

"Here, I thought you might need it," the voice of your boyfriend made you open your eyes and you saw that a bottle of water and two Advils were placed on your notebook in front of you. "Did I tell you how much I love you?" You sighed in relief and opened the plastic bottle to swallow the two pills with the help of water. This is exactly what you needed right now.

"I'm just worried about you. You didn't sleep a lot last night or the night before," said Daniel lowering his voice so only you would hear him even if you were the only ones at the Renault pit wall. You looked up at him and indeed, worry was filling his usual happy brown eyes as he looked at you. Unlike you, Daniel had no trouble with the time zone. He arrived earlier in North America, spending a couple of days in New-York City before flying to Montreal. He had overcome the jetlag for a while now. That didn't mean that he wouldn't wake up during the night to found you restless in bed. You smiled at how cute he was and you fought the urge to kiss him softly on his pink lips but you were in the middle of the paddock and not in closed doors.

"I'm fine, don't worry," you tried to reassure him, but it didn't really work. "Would you like to sleep alone tonight? You know I don't mind, right?"

You were about to answer when you were interrupted by the head mechanic, Mathieu, screaming at you from the pit lane to try to get your attention. "Hey love," you turned your attention from Daniel to see Mathieu running towards you. "Hello you," he smirked as he passed an arm around your shoulder, raising his eyebrows up and down as he looked at you and Daniel which made you roll your eyes. "Do you have something for me?" he asked and you looked down at the pile of paper in front of you and took in your hands the ones that were meant for the mechanic. "Here," you replied, giving it to him. "You're the best. See you later, love," Mathieu kissed your cheeks before running back into the garage, the smirk never leaving his face once.

Daniel who had seen the scene going right in front of him had his jaw clenched and his eyes were still locked on the mechanic that was now back in the garage, thinking about how he could kill him without anyone noticing. All worries that he had for you earlier was now gone to be replaced by clear annoyance.

"You know he did this because he wants to see if you would get jealous, right?" you raised an eyebrow, clearly amused by Daniel's reaction. You and Daniel had become the principal subject of discussion in the Renault garage (if it wasn't the whole F1 paddock). The team had gotten suspicious and they were guessing that you and Daniel were more than friends. Too many times, you and Daniel had arrived at the same time or in very close interval at the factory or the airport and too many times you both had claimed that you were sick as an excuse to not go out and celebrate on the same night. The team, mostly the mechanics, had made their mission to see if the rumour was true or not and Daniel wasn't making the job hard for them.

"Well congratulations to them because it works, little bastard," he groaned which made you laugh out loud. "You're impossible," you managed to say between your laughs while shaking your head. "He's paid to work on my car, not flirt with my girlfriend."

"He doesn't even know that I'm your girlfriend!" You exclaimed, still laughing. "Maybe now he knows with the way you reacted. I wouldn't be surprised if the whole team knows about your little jealousy scene by now." He simply shrugged, as he took a step forward, his chest now touching your shoulder as you were still sat on one of the high chairs, facing the screens. "Don't care. You're mine."

One of his large hand, fingers spread was now resting on your back between your shoulders and his lips brushing your ear sending shivers through your body. "Maybe I should drag you in your office to remind you exactly that. How about that, baby girl?"

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