Chapter 20

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"Lauren? You wont believe it!"

Jin exclaimed!! "We found someone that might jnow where your friends are or what happened to them!"

I looked at the person whoseee arm he was holding...i filled with rage! I thought i woul never see her again!

"You," i snarled.

"Hey," josie sais sheepishly looking at the ground. "Whats up lauren"

"I hate you, thats whats up!! Also the sky!!!" Jungkodk held me back from punch ing her dumb face. "What do you want?!" I yelled

"Uh...i wanna give you a tansom note."

"A what?"

"A rnabdom note."

"What fid she dsau?" I asked v quietly

"I think she meand aransom nie."

"Ohhhhhhh" we all said.

"Yeah, like, it was gonna come by mail but it turns out...thats uh...not a thing right now." She seemed super embarassed. "Im so sorry."

"You think sorry will cut it?" I sneered?
Rapmodnshet stopped me. "What r yr terms? He said authoritatively.

"Ok so ug" she cleared her throat. "Wenwill keep the three girls hostage until one week from now when we will then kill them unless international pop sensation bts agrees to marry us within that week thank u u have ine week."

I clenched my fists. That wantsbt enough time.

"We wont marry you!" Rm said disgusted. "You guys are so mean!"

"Your time is running out," she purred evilly. "Decide soon...or your friends may not live to tell the tale." She laughed maniacally and her tiara started shining green. "Setiously tho like i am so sorry yall ugh this is all me. Anyways. ALAKAZAM!" She dosappeared in a cloud of smoke!!! And i thought i could still hear her freaky preppy laugh.
I shuddered.

"What can we do?" I asked, looking fearfully at the boys.

They all stared at the ground i  front of them. "I font think we can do anything, lauren," mumbled jin. "We cant marry those girls!"

"But we cant let my friends die!" I choked up w tears and my heart sank. Those girls were somean!!!

"Honestly...abby and sydney may have to take one for the team here," v shrugged. "Theyre chill, they probably wont mind it."

"Wont mind...death?!"

"Yeah, like, phoebe died and shes fine now so like," v shrugged. "Theyre chill, they probably wont mind it:"

Rapmosnet put his hand on my showulder. "Its a hard decision...but the price is too high. We have to save ourselves first."

The boys all nodded in a gree ment. "Yeah, yup," they all said, "uh-huh."

I wiped tears away from my eyes and looked at jk. He was silent this whole time. "What do you think?" I asked him, already feeling betrayed. "Will you marry one of the preps if it means saving my friends?"

He stammered "i- i would-"

I shook my head. "Of course. None of you care about my friends at all."

After a heavy sulence  &undkook finally spoke. "I wouldnt ve able to marry them," he said confidently. "Not because i dont live them, and not because i value myself more...but be ause i want to save marriage for someone special."

"Way to be archaic, stupid!" Yelled v. "No one marriaes for love anymore! Everhone marries for hostage negotiations now, get with the times."

"Yeah! Partriarchy crushed!" Cheered jin and minjm,

I looked at him again, filled with anger. "I cant believe you. Youre so full of lies. I hate you." I snapped.

The air suddenly felt thick and burdensome, like i was drowning above ground. I hated much. I turned away but didnt take back my words.

"Lets ho home,@ said rm quietly. "The woods are no place for a zombie war."

The group followed him in silence until we teached the rents and  crawled in. I could hear everyone still moving around or talking until late t night but i couldnt sleep. I was glaring at the ceiling, yhinkin about how my very good friend of mine had betrayed me and wasnt even willing to get married to save my friends. What a coward.

It fell quiet ourside around 2 am and i quietly crawled out mof my tent. I put up the hood of my cape over my head so that it hid my face and i quietly left the camp, heading for mackenzies lair...if blt couldnt help them, id do it myself.

I would marry the Evil Girls.


After i was waljing through the woods for about 2 hours, i was on the edge of despair. The inner edge, like i was despaired but only like only just. Def despaired tho.

Every breeze felt like a zombies breatj and every crunching leaf made me sacared that i was being gollowed. Suddenly tha air was colder and i was surrounded by fog. The dense canopy choked out the moonlight and my breathing quickedned. Where was i?

I looked around, scared. The trrees had never seemed so threatening. Or cold. I walked faster, holding my cape closed, and soon i heard a torrent of leaves and tainga snapping under foot.

I ran.

Then there was some thing in front of me — hairy, massive, snarling. I dropped my flashlight and tried to escape but they surrounded me.


one quickly pounced, knocking me to the ground. The others ganged up on me, biting and tearing at my skin. I fought to push them off of me but one bit at my side and i started losing blood. A sudden sound scared them and the herd disappeared but i was the dort and leaves...feeling light and heavy at the sams time. And drifting away from consciousness.

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