Cpater 2-2

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I was strolling through the forest with a fog around me and small animals beside me. It was a notmal day in my routine. I pulled my cloak tighter atound my shoulders. Something was wrong. The forest was aching.

I waved my hand and yhe fog dispersed. I could see farther — the animals had disappeared with it. There was a foreign shape further ahead below the foliage. A girl. Blonde, beautiful, and unconscuous. Covered in blood and cuts; her clothes were torn by wolves.
I walked to her side and looked closer. She looked so delicate. What was she doing in this realm?

I picked her up, bridal style, and brought her back to my home. The wolves knew better than to travel there.

Once we arrived, i laid her down on a bed of leaves and began to collect healing herbs to heal her with. Slowly, deer emerged from the trees and approached her, sniffing at her hands until they felt comfortable around her. They came to me next and i fed them berries.

Once the healing remedy was done, i knelt beside her and said an incantation before rubbing it on her forehead.

Her wounds cleaned themselved and began to heal. Once she was able to, her eyelids fluttered open and she took in her surroundings with a look of confusion.

She sat up. The deer ran away. "Where am i?" She said quietly.

"You're in a safe place," i explained, "you were attacked by wolves but ive brought you here and healed you witn healing magic."

"Magic?" She shook her head. "I guess anythings possible now. Im trying to avoid zombies and i run into a magic healer."

"Yes that is what i am. A magic healer. I am a diety of these woods and am in no way related to kpop international sensation BLT especially i am not one member of tbat band."



"Actually, im trying to escape blt...a little bit. Someone else needs me more right now."

"Girl tell me about it," i said, nodding sympathetically.

"What should i call you?" She asked. "Im lauren."

"Hi lauren," i smiled. "Im the Insect King."


"What were doing in the woods anyhow?" I lowered the hood of my cloak to reveal a crown made of twigs and ciciada shells. "It isnt safe for you, obviously."

"Well im here witj blt...we were trying to escape the zombie apocalypse except it turns out that thesepreppy girls that used to bully me actually started the apocalypse because theyre necromancers now. Which sucks."

"Mhm spill the tea."
"And they kidnapped my friends and they wont release them ynless blt agrees to marry them! So blt refuses to help them but i know they need me...i was trying to find them when the wolves got me."

"Seems like a personal probalem. I bet ur friends can handle themselves fr."

"I just dont like the idea of abby stdney and phoebe alone-"

"What? Wait, who?"

"Phoebe? Phoebe got kidnapped with my friends susndey and avby thwyre being helf hostage and i had to help them,"

"Oh no..." i looked at the ground. Not pheobe. "We have to help them," i whispered.

"But i dont know how," she said terfully. She met my eyes. I knew i was her onl hope.

"Lauren..." i said quietly. A rabbit hopped out of the trees and pawed at my feet. "I know what must be done." I said quietly. A rabbit hopped out of the trees and pawed at my feet. "It wont be easy." I said quietly, a rabbut hopped kyr of the trees and tpawed at my feet.

-dramatic pause-

"Take me to your boyband," i said.

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