Chapter 21

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AN: i didnt want to write a camping montage even tho my outline clearly says "fun apocalypse camping montage" so instead heres this video i found on youtube just skip past the first minute and i guess like imagine some zombies in there. No ones realized that laurens missing yet so theyre all having alot of fun aming and living in the woods. Anyways. Uh. Next.

Sydney poc!!
HELLLO I AM SYDNEY i was no longer tied to a tree but now i was kinfodf hig tied like on the ground!!! I was very unfcomfortavl!!!

My face was smucshed against the ground. I was bored and very much held hostage. The days blended into nights into days. It had been so long since i was free. I hated this.

I waited until maya and kaz and josie were gone then i pulled a knife out of one of my 60 pockets and i cut myself loose. Free at last!!! I made a yesss! Fist pump and cut off pohebe and abbys restaraints top. Yay! We were all free now!

Come on guys," i whispered, gesturing to a wide-open escape route. "Lets get out of here."
"Yes!!" Squaealex abby and ohoebe then we moved very quietly towards the exit except then we almost excaped and suga appeared out of nowhere and punched us all.

When we came to we were all tied together like a bunch of bananas maybe if bananas had like an outer wrapping maybe oranges or like asparagus yeah we were gied like a bunch of asparagus. Yknow w the rubber bands. "Drat!" I said. My pockets were empty now. They myst have taken away all of my weapons while i was out.

"What is it, loser?" Sneered kaz. "Suga got youre toungue?" She laughed and high fived maya and josie.

I spat at all of their feet, which meant that dirt somehow ended up in my mouth. "Youll never get away with this!" I yelled.

" seems like youre the one who will bever get away." She high fived them again.

"The boys will never marry you!" I yelled.

"Yeah!" Seconded abby. "You guys are jerks!"

"Yall really beed an attitude adjustment!" Thirded pheobe.

"Youre all cowards. Everyone knows we will be married by BTS because we are bery desirabls! And pretty! And mabipulative!"

"Thats right," said maya. "We always get what we want! Right, baby?" She smirked at suga and he smirked back from under his sunglasses.
"Thats korean for yes," said maya. "Everyone knows im destined to marry a bts member, so like this has to happen."

Sugas smirk fell and he got a daydream sort of look on his face.

"Anyways!" Maya cheered. "Itll all go down once they arrive to save you all and by save you i mean marry us, we're gonna kill you anyways!"

"Thats right!" Said josie. "Marriage is literally the only thing we have to gain from this life! We're gonna kill yall yolo! And then youll all die alone!"

"But BTS doesnt like you one bit!" I sneered. "Youre dumb and rude."

"Which of us currently has the necromancy powers and which of us has dirt in their mouth?" Pointed out mackenzie.

I didnt have a response for that.

"Wait a minuete," said josie. "Arent there technically 7 memvers of BYS tho? And us these lauren...makes seven. Doesnt that mean we can all kindof have a happy ending, assuming that the three of us can learn to love others instead of projecting our own inner turmoils into the outside world and trying to over-manipulate things we cant control?"

"Shut up," said kaz. "Thats stupid."

"Oh ok im just thinking. Like. Lauren could be with jungkook, maya could be with suga, kaz could be with rapmonster, i could be with v, sydney could be with jin, abby could be with jimin, and phoebe could be with, im just thinking out loud here,"

"Thats the dumbest thing ive ever heard." Maya rolled her eyes. "Suga isnt my boyfriend, hes my mind slave. So what if hes a good kisser? And hobi disappeared, like, a year ago or whatever. Now pheobes with that bee strippedr anyways. That wont work."

"Yeah." Josie frowned. "I guess youre right."

"And anyways! We have to marry ALL of BTS! Itll be awesome!!! Hahaha and super straight!"

The idea of straightness cheered everyone up and then they started slapping high fives and drinkin mountain dew.

I had to stop this from happening...but i couldnt. I was too bored.

"Hey yall," i said, still tied to the others. "I hate to interrupt and all but i really wanna do something other than monologue. Do yall do any games?"

"Uh. We can play ispy, i guess."

"Cool. Who wants to go first?"

"Me!" Cheered abby — "i spy with my little eye something green!"

"A tree?"

"Yeah :("

"Ok. I said. I spy with my little eye something brown.

"Dirt?" Asked kaz.


"Ok i spy with my little eye oh my god phoebes hand."

"Is it pheobes hand?"

"Yes uh no uh can someone go pick that up."

"Sorry," said phoebe, holding out a decaying arm. Suga shoved the hand back onto her wrist and then considered burning his fingers off. "Thanks bro. Happens."

"Yup." Suga nodded.

"Anyways i spy with my little eye something blue."

"The sky?"


Abby sounded dejected and stared at the grpund. "Maybe mext time wr couldnt play this in the woods." She mumbled.

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