article one | written in the stars

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november  12, 2018
the  lineup
lindon   high  lions ,

Oprah once said, "Do you realize just how many choices had to occur in the history of the universe for you to simply exist?". It's funny isn't it? How one small little choice can change your life forever? Think about it.

Some say that the fate of every person is written in the stars, destined to be carried out in time. My parents are two of many that believe that. I, however, don't. I believe that people themselves forge their own destinies with the choices they make. For example, if my father had never chosen to go to the campus library for the first time in his three years at college on that cold, snowy night in January, he would have never met my mother. They shared an immediate connection over their intense love of astrology, spending countless nights studying the stars.

Hence my namesake, Andromeda. Most people don't know the story. It is of a beautiful woman who was brutally punished for the arrogance of her mother, who bragged about her daughter's beauty to all of the heavens. At first, a terrible monster was sent to ravage the kingdom where she lived, and desperately, her father tried to sacrifice her to the monster. However, this story is not a tragedy. She was rescued by, as it often goes in history, a valiant hero called Perseus, who loved and married her against all odds. Throughout time, they had several children, starting a powerful bloodline, and at her death, the goddess Athena wove her soul into the sky, creating a constellation, an artwork that would stand for all of time. It was a symbol of her honoring her parent's promise to wed her to the man who killed the monster.

I'll leave off with this. What would've happened if Andromeda's mother had never bragged about her daughter's beauty? She would have had to marry her uncle, whom she was previously promised to, and never would've known the joy of love, or been painted into the skies. But then again, who knows? Everyone's story can go in a million directions, it all depends on what they do.

signing   off,

status: not published

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