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⋆  h u r t f u l   w o r d s  &  s l o w d a n c e s  ⋆


numinous (adj.)
describing an experience that makes you
fearful yet fascinated, awed yet attracted


THE VIBRATIONS OF MUSIC can be felt all the way down the block where we parked. Jordan gets out and hurries over to my side of the car as I check the memory cards of the camera, pulling open the door for me.

I smile and climb out, sliding the strap of the camera over my neck.

"I'll come find you in an hour," I say as we enter the packed gym, eager to split up before the vultures descend and the nasty stares start. He nods and I quickly immerse myself in the crowd, snapping candids left and right. I weave through the sea of glitter and color with the precision of a dancer, losing myself in my art.

About an hour later, I start running out of things to photograph and search the crowds for Jordan. He's standing with a group of his football friends, his presence never failing to command the attention of those he's talking to. I make my way over, and luckily he sees me approaching, stepping out and looping an arm around my waist, pulling me to his side.

"Ah, the elusive date," Bryce chuckles as I stare at him nervously, slightly intimidated to be surrounded by all these giants in suits.

"Guys, this is Andy," Jordan introduces me, his charisma never faltering. My confidence usually multiplies when I'm around him, as if he's someone I can always depend on. So I lean into him and smile at the rest of the group.

"Wait, you mean the school photographer, Andy?", one clearly inebriated guy asks in astonishment, "Wow, you're hotter than I remember. Remember what we used to call her?" He nudges a guy next to him, who shifts nervously, mirroring the expressions of the rest of the group.

"Lenshead!", he finishes with a dramatic swoop of his arms, doubling over in laughter, "get it? Because her boring face was always either behind a camera or behind some ugly ass glasses..." He's the only one laughing, but his roaring mockery tears whatever meager confidence I have to shreds, and I've never wanted to disappear into a hole so badly. The nickname isn't even the problem, its the fact that they even had one in the first place. Blinking back tears, I try to escape Jordan's grip, but he just holds me tighter, crushing me to his side protectively. His expression is one of fury as he takes a step forward.

"If you ever call her that again, Randall, you won't like the consequences," his voice is almost a whisper, but its more menacing than if he were to yell it. His words ooze anger and ring with unspoken threats. The guy standing next to him gets the message and tows Randall away.

"Sorry about him, Andy," Bryce says apologetically, "he's had too much to drink." I wonder how much alcohol they had brought for him to reach that point, since there obviously wasn't any in the school gym.

"It's okay," I mumble, but it's really not. Jordan senses this and tells them we're going outside for a minute. He grabs my hand, enveloping mine in his large palm. He leads me towards the propped open door, the cool night breeze blowing in.

He finally lets go and backs up, looking over me and staring into my eyes.

"Are you okay, Bumble?", he asks sincerely, and I'm tempted to lie and say yes.


"I figured," he says, stepping forward and sweeping me up into a hug, strong arms pulling me to his hard chest. I savor every second of his warm embrace, the feeling of security and trust rushing over me. We fit together like two puzzle pieces as he rests his chin on top of my head. I don't say anything else, but I don't have to. We stand like that in silence for minutes on end. He finally shifts, pulling back slightly so he's looking down at me.

"Fuck, you're so beautiful, Andromeda," he whispers after a few seconds. I usually hate the use of my full name, but it sounds as though it were made for his mouth when he does. He says my name like a prayer, a melody flowing over his lips, and its like the stars are singing. And then suddenly his lips are on mine.

He kisses me and the world falls away. It is slow and soft, comforting in ways that words would never be. His thumb moves to caress my cheek as our breaths mingle. He tastes like mint, spicy licorice, and vanilla all at once. His lips are soft, tentative at first, but deepening when I get over my initial shock and start to kiss him back. He pulls me closer until there is no space left between us and I can feel the beating of his heart against my chest. His free hand is under my chin, tilting my lips up to meet his own. It's as if the stars are crashing, bursting, showering us in liquid starlight. His kiss is uninhibited, conveying a thousand emotions onto my own. He backs me against the brick wall, hand tangling in my hair as the cool winds brush against my bare legs.

Every sensation is amplified as we melt into each other, ravaging each other's lips like a stormy sea to a ship.

When we break apart, we are both breathless and slightly dazed, and while I expect him to pretend nothing happened, he holds out a hand instead.

"May I have a dance, Ms. Vega?", he asks softly, and I finally register the slow song that is playing inside the gym.

"Yes you may, Mr. Lee," I say, giggling, as I take his hand. He pulls me into him for the fourth time tonight, cradling me against his hard body. He runs his fingers down my spine before planting his hand at the small of my back. Every movement he makes is intensified by the multitude of feelings that have come to the surface in the last few minutes, scorching me wherever he touches. He takes my other hand into his own as I hook my other arm around his neck, barely able to reach. We sway in silence, the song electrifying the air around us in the aftermath of our kiss.

I suppress any questions that I have about what just happened and decide to savor the moment. Right now, we are just two souls dancing together in the moonlight, relishing the feel of each other's skin, bodies pressed close.

⋆ ⋆ ⋆

yay, our two lovers have finally made a move! some heavy stuff coming up in the next few chapters:/

yay, our two lovers have finally made a move! some heavy stuff coming up in the next few chapters:/

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