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⋆   u n e x p e c t e d   e n c o u n t e r s   &   s a d   t r u t h s  ⋆


liberosis (n.)
the desire to care less about things


I AM STOPPED at my locker by an unfamiliar face. A boy a few inches taller with dirty blonde locks, a twisted smile, and blue eyes that make me freeze, sending chills down my spine, stands in front of me. I barely recognize him because he's not on any sports teams, but I've heard the rumors.

Jace Fletcher. The heartbreaker. Stories circulate every week about girls falling for him, wishing to be with him, but once they leave his bed, it's like they were never there to begin with. He's said to be worse than all the football players combined.

     Looking into his eyes, I can't see how anyone would fall for him, his irises swirling with coldness. His smile could be handsome if it wasn't so twisted, more of a sneer than a grin. His skin is the color of snow, so pale white that he looks almost deathly. His cheekbones and jawline are too defined, giving his face sharp features.

I push my glasses up my nose nervously, not liking the spark in his eyes, the flames of obsession dancing in them.

"Hello, Andy," he says, smirking, voice laced with arrogance and conviction. He leans so close that our noses are almost touching, forcing me to back up nervously.

"I couldn't help but notice you yesterday, with your sweet smile and lovely eyes," he continues on as if I never moved, "I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me tonight." I stare at him, still trying to figure out what makes him so captivating to most girls, but I can't see it.

"Um, sorry, Jace, but I can't," I say quietly, hoping he takes the hint and leaves. Instead, he just comes closer and puts his mouth up against my ear, making me squirm in discomfort. His hand comes down on my arm, forcing me to stay still.

"I'll make it worth your while, sweetheart," he whispers, his hot breath sending goosebumps across my neck, and not the good kind. I pull my arm away with all my strength and glare at him.

"I said no, Jace, so please leave me alone," I say more firmly this time. His icy eyes cloud over with anger for a split second before he relaxes into an easygoing demeanor that I know is fake. He looks as if he is going to push me again, opening his mouth to speak, but he is interrupted by an arm sliding around my waist. I smell the scent of a familiar cologne, and I lean into the body next to me, sagging with relief.

    "Are you going to leave or do I have to make you?", Jordan's voice booms next to me, powerful and deep, never failing to slide over my skin and leave a tingling sensation in its wake. Jace backs up, but something in his eyes tells me that its not the end. There are many rumors of him never giving up what he wants. Something tells me that even what he wanted belonged to someone else, that would only make him want it more.

    Jordan steps away as soon as Jace is gone, emerald eyes sweeping me over like a caress, making sure that I am okay.

    "Thanks," I murmur, embarrassment heating up my neck for some reason.

    "You don't have to thank me. I've only been here for a week and I already know that someone needs to teach that fucker a lesson," he says angrily, staring in the direction Jace went.

    "Don't do anything stupid, Jordan," I warn, seeing the gleam of outrage in his eyes.

    "I know, Bumble, but you have to tell me if he does anything stupid again, okay?". His eyes are piercing and pleading all at once. I nod quickly.

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