ten + bonus | jordan pov

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c h a p t e r t e n + a l i t t l e b o n u s
→this is my favorite chapter from Jordan's point of view←

     I EXIT THE CAR QUICKLY, rushing around to open the door for Andy, hoping to make her night as perfect as possible. When she opened her door in that dress earlier, it took all my strength for my jaw not to drop, her long legs, slim figure, and smooth skin complemented by that gorgeous red dress taking my breath away. And her eyes made my heart stop for a few seconds as she looked up at me through full lashes. Her cerulean eyes were no longer covered by thick frames, so it was easy for me to take in their beauty, like a clear sky or the soft splash of the ocean.

    She slips her camera around her neck before saying, "I'll come find you in an hour," and disappearing into the hordes of people. A small space is left where her presence once was, part of me wishing she would stay by my side all night, but I shrug and make my way over to a small group of football players, Bryce among them.

    "Well, look who it is," Bryce smiles, throwing an arm around my shoulder, holding a red cup full of something that isn't water. The guys simultaneously shout out greetings as they see me.

    He sees me eyeing his cup and asks, "do you want some? We've got a good beer stash for the night." I refuse the offer, hating the way people act when they are under the influence of alcohol. He just shrugs and immerses himself back into the conversation.

    "So, you didn't bring a date, huh?", a voice sounds from a guy I vaguely recognize as Laurent, a linebacker.

    "Actually, I did, she's around here somewhere," my confession elicits a round of whoops from all the guys, some asking me to find her so they can see for themselves.

    "Is she hot, bro?", another immature, deep-voiced football player asks, and I nod, unsure of how to respond. Thankfully, the conversation shifts away from me, and before I know it, I see Andy's unmistakable figure making her way over to me, her red dress making her stand out. I wrap an arm around her waist and pull her to my side, taking pleasure in seeing her blush.

    "Ah, the elusive date," Bryce teases, holding up his cup in greeting. I can tell she's slightly intimidated by everyone, so I decide to introduce her.

    "Guys, this is Andy," I say, and she leans into me gratefully, causing something to stir inside me.

    "Wait, you mean the school photographer, Andy?", I hear Randall say, the undertone of his voice mocking, "wow, you're hotter than I remember. Remember what we used to call her?". He nudges a couple of uncomfortable guys around him after sweeping his gaze up and down Andy's body, sending a sudden surge of anger and protectiveness pounding through my veins.

    "Lenshead! Get it? Because her face was always either behind a camera or behind some ugly ass glasses...", he trails off laughing as everyone else stares at him in shocked silence. My fury only heightens as he does so. No one gets to talk to my Bumble like that, and one look at her teary eyes shatters any ounce of restraint I might have. I don't let her give him the satisfaction of her running away, pulling her closer to my side protectively as I take a step forward.

    "If you ever call her that again, Randall, you won't like the consequences," I threaten, seething. I want to punch his smug face in, but I don't want to scare Andy, who's already upset enough. Laurent smartly ushers him away as Bryce quickly apologizes for his behavior, demonstrating the exact reason I hate alcohol. Normally, Randall's a decent guy, always joking and slightly immature, but he never would've gone this far without the addition of his drink. Andy mumbles some half-hearted forgiveness that I know she doesn't mean before I make excuses for us, grabbing her hand and leading her to the gym doors.

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