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⋆ c h r i s t m a s  g i f t s  &  b o a t r i d e s ⋆


kalon (n.)
beauty that is more than skin deep


THIS CHRISTMAS MORNING IS infinitely better when I wake up in Jordan's arms. The events of last night rush back and warm my insides as I snuggle deeper into his bare chest. He moans softly, and I know he's awake.

    "I hate to be the one to say this, but we have to get up. I planned stuff for us today," he groans, his voice husky. He brushes some hair out of my face tenderly and kisses me on the nose before rolling out of the bed, a whoosh of air taking the place of his warmth.

"Merry Christmas, Jordan," I call after him as he pulls on a shirt with me watching his bare back muscles flex as he does.

"Merry Christmas, love," he says, turning around and giving me that piercing stare of his, "now get up, we have stuff to do."

"Wait, before we go, I have a gift for you," I reply, and he turns around questioningly.

"Bumble, you didn't have to get me anything," he says, making his way over anyway. I grab a bag I had stashed in the corner of the room.

"This is your Christmas gift, your birthday gift is for tomorrow," I add, and he gives me such a loving look I practically melt, "here." I hand him the bag shyly, hoping that he'll like it.

"I'll like anything you give me, love," he says as if reading my thoughts, his nickname for me making my skin tingle.

He takes out the wrapping paper first before pulling out my sketchbook, a leather book bound with string. I gingerly unties it and flips to the first page, freezing when he sees his profile on it, the drawing I made when he slept on my porch. I wrote the date and place we were at underneath. He flips through various sketches of other things like flowers and landscapes, before landing on my favorite one. I tried my best to match his signature heated stare to the one I sketched on the page, and from his intake of breath, I would say I succeeded.

 I tried my best to match his signature heated stare to the one I sketched on the page, and from his intake of breath, I would say I succeeded

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"Bumble..." he starts after staring at it for a few seconds, "these are amazing. I didn't know you drew me."

"I draw things I think are beautiful, or handsome in this case, and things that I like, especially things I can't stop thinking about," I reply, avoiding his steely gaze. When I look up, I stifle a gasp because his face is inches away from mine.

"I love it, Bumble, thank you," he says sincerely, closing the gap between our lips and engulfing me in a kiss.

    "I have something for you too," he declares after we break apart, "but I'm going to give it to you later."

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