WHAS extras

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n o t e

I cannot thank the readers who stuck with this abomination of a story enough. This story was mainly to prove to myself that I could stick with an entire story from start to finish. I began to fall out of love with it halfway through, and I was always scared of readers getting bored with it. I'm very insecure about my writing, so thank you very much for reading, leaving comments, and supporting me.

I love you guys, and please keep a look out for my next book that I'm actually extremely excited about. To me, this book was a light-hearted, boring romance that lacked anything captivating, but maybe I'm being hard on myself. Either way, I actually have really high hopes for the book I'm currently writing.

Special thanks to LnDscripts for the continued support ;)


e x t r a s

here are some covers and aesthetics that never made it to the final copy.

here are some covers and aesthetics that never made it to the final copy

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✗  t i t l e  ✗

So, I chose the title What Happens After Sunset because most of Jordan and Andy's relationship is built up during time they spent together during or after sunset. In fact, if you paid attention, you'll remember that sunset is extremely prominent in this story, as I often include imagery about it and its relation to major characters.


f u n f a c t s

→ I started this book on January 10, 2019 and finished it on May 27, 2019.
→ The book was originally called Replaceable, and here is the original cover:

→ This is the first full book I have ever written and finished, so I'm pretty proud of myself:)

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→ This is the first full book I have ever written and finished, so I'm pretty proud of myself:)


a f t e r

i will be including some articles from the Lindon High newspaper, the Lineup, and my favorite chapter from Jordan's point of view after this, so if you're interested, go check them out ;p until next time, my friends.

✗ sims ☺♔

what happens after sunset | ✓Where stories live. Discover now