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⋆ n e w   p a r t n e r s   &   f r i d a y   n i g h t   l i g h t s ⋆


sonder (n.)
the realization that each passerby has a life
as vivid and complex as your own


    THURSDAYS AT LINDON HIGH are filled with talk about the usual Friday night football game over soft tacos at lunch for Taco Thursday. However, today, our opposing team, the Mayfield Mustangs, aren't the only subject of interest. Snippets of conversations float over to my table like clouds on the wind, and I catch talk about a new quarterback, who supposedly broke several records at his previous high school. A lot is riding on the game tomorrow night since it will be the qualifier for semifinals. I will have to go, of course, though I've never been a large fan of football, and capture the looks of victory on our players' faces.

    I'm startled out of my thoughts as Nora March slides into the seat across from me. She is a sweet girl who I talk to sometimes in history. Her pale blonde strands of hair frame her round face and pink lips, which she always seems to be biting in nervousness. Her large, brown doe eyes give off the impression that she is always slightly surprised. She is quiet and thoughtful and also the closest thing I have to a friend. After all, no one really makes an effort to get to know the introvert.

    "Hey, Andy. Have you heard the news about the new football player? The running back or something?", she says softly and scrunches up her nose as she thinks.

    "Quarterback, but yeah. I'll have to make sure to get more shots of him at the game, since I'm sure he'll be the center of the article for The Lineup," I smile at her. Inside, I'm already groaning about having to shove my way through the crowds of excited people to the sidelines with all the sweaty players, alone. Then, I get an idea.

    "Hey, I know you're not a big fan of football, but I was wondering if you wanted to come to the game with me. You'd be on the sidelines, right in front of all the action," I shrug, and look up at her. She's beaming from ear to ear.

    "Oh my gosh, are you actually asking me to hang out? I honestly thought you just put up with me and didn't really like me. Of course I'll come, Andy! I'm so happy you asked.", she smiles, and a pang of guilt runs through me. I knew my shyness was an issue, but I never imagined it would be hurting someone. I give her a sad smile back, wondering why I couldn't just be normal.

⋆ ⋆ ⋆

    I'm not surprised to see a seating chart on the board in chemistry when I walk in. It had been coming for a while now, with all of the constant chatter and the teacher's threats to reseat everyone. But when I see an unfamiliar name next to mine, I can't help but worry.

    Jordan who?

    I know everyone at this school, after all I'm the unofficial school photographer. While they may not know me, I know them. Still, I hesitantly climb onto the lab stool and wait worriedly for my seatmate. When the bell rings and they are a no-show, I let out a sigh of relief.

    Mrs. Dell walks to the front of the classroom and clears her throat, "These are the permanent seating arrangements until I decide otherwise." A chorus of groans fills the classroom, but I am happy. I don't have to worry about awkward interactions or an annoying partner.

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