chapter after eleven

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ken walked down the stairs and Brandon was shook. "wow, you look beautiful ken" ken blushed and took his hand. "that u, u too" she smiled. they talked for a bit before we left. yes, WE. Zion and i were taking them to the date. Zion was driving and i was in the passenger while Ken and Brandon were in the back.

not long, we arrived. "were here" Zion said pulling up to a romantic picnic spot. Ken and Brandon went out the car followed with me and Zion. the two walked down to the picnic while zio and i stood by the car. "you two have fun kids" Zion waved like a dad. "not too much tho" i added they laughed and began their date. 

about an hour later, they stand up and Brandon gets a red rose, and says this, "Ken, i really like you. we have known each other for a couple months and i've really got to know you. i love your personality, and your so beautiful. so Kennedy Mariel Adam, will you be my girlfriend" he says handing her the rose. "um yes!"she says and hugs him. 

Zion and i are awkwardly standing aside, holding onto each other while watching this. "who's cutting onions?" i wipe my tear. "ion know but this is beautiful" Zion says, we both crying. 

they walk over to us. "Are you guys crying?" Ken laughs along with Brandon. "we cant help it!" i say wiping tears. "yall dramatic" Brandon adds. 

"how dare you say that to your creators?!" Zion says putting a finger in his face. "we brought you together, can i get a Amen!" i yell earning a Amen from Zion. 

we got in the car and drove home. once we got home everyone runs to them asking questions. "SHE SAID YES!" Zion and i yell causing hollers and cheers from everyone. 

it was pretty late so i changed into z's shirt and got in bed with zion.

Yall ready for some tEA??? BET

i woke up from zions grip and took a shower and changed into a nude slime dress that stops mid thigh. everyone was downstairs eating breakfast. "guys, we have a meeting with simon at twelve" Edwin says. "whats it about" Austin asks. "um i think about jello idk" he says. 

we were all already ready so we packed in the cars and went to the meeting. we arriveed there within thirty minutes and went inside the building. we went u to simons office an knocked, he let us in. 

"why hello ladies and gentlemen. i brought u here bc i wanted to talk about jello" he starts. he explains everything and it finishes at two. as we were walking to the cars, we decided to go get food, bc why not. 

i start driving and i realise we need gas, so Cam called the boys to tell him we are getting gas first. we arrive and i get out of the car to put gas in. 

i notice that there is a bunch of guys looking like they in mid twentys, maybe about six outside of the gas station. i am putting the gas in when i hear someone cat call me. i obviously ignore them, soon im finished with the gas and Cam comes to pay with me.

we walk toward the entrance and the guys came ever to us, "hey lil mama" one of them says. "we not interested" Cam says. all of them come and surround us. they saying 'we not gonna hurt you' and 'come on u dont need gas'. i looked over to the car and cam and Arie were about to get out but i told them to stay in. 

MIND YOU, its like two thirty so everyone can see, its the middle of the day.

"can yall stop i got a mans trust me we DONT want you" I said andf the didnt budge. they wouldnt let us move. so we put our hair up. "alright, imma start throwing hands" Cam said getting mad. "Aw im acared of two girls" one guy said licking his lips. 

imma Bad Bitch💋✨// Zion kuwonuWhere stories live. Discover now