What He Doesn't Know

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Seungcheol woke up the next morning with a pit in his stomach. Reading those mean YouTube comments would make him cry, he couldn't imagine how Jeonghan would feel if he read them.
Seungcheol looked at his phone and saw that it was already 7:00 AM. He rolled out of bed, put on some sweatpants and a white tshirt and went downstairs to the kitchen.

Most of the guys were already sitting at the dining table, eating breakfast and discussing last night's movie. Jeonghan was at the stove, cooking up a big pan of scrambled eggs (which appeared to be the second batch of the day). Seungcheol walked up to the counter and poured himself a cup of coffee, "Cooking breakfast two days in a row? You're really spoiling us, Hannie!" He joked, wrapping his arm around Jeonghan just like he did yesterday morning.

The silvery-haired boy looked up from the stove and smiled at Seungcheol, (which totally didn't make him blush but anyway...) "It's a nice break from having cereal every morning." He replied, taking Seungcheol's coffee mug out of his hands and taking a sip before handing it back to him, making the older boy freeze for a moment because 'what the hell was that?'

He continued to stir the eggs, he waited a few seconds before reaching for Seungcheol's mug again, but he pulled it away this time.

"Woah woah woah, how much coffee have you had already?" Seungcheol asked defensively, picking up the coffee pot and holding it away from Jeonghan, who rolled his eyes before answering.

"Only had one cup today, I promise." He flashed a weak smile. Seungcheol suddenly noticed the prominent dark circles under his bright eyes.

"When did you wake up anyway?" Seungcheol set his mug and the coffee pot back down on the counter, leaning up against it to talk to Jeonghan. He made notice that he was dangerously close to the stove top and was careful not to catch his shirt on fire.

"Same time as yesterday, I went for a run around the block before coming back to make breakfast." Jeonghan said as he put the eggs onto a plate and set it on the kitchen table. The eggs were quickly eaten by the eleven hungry, ravenous children that were sitting there.  He walked back over to Seungcheol to continue the conversation, leaning on the counter, right next to him, "Oh by the way, M2 just uploaded a fancam of me from last week. I watched it last night and I have to say I did pretty well," -he licked his finger and touched it to his forehead, making a sizzling noise- "Not to mention, there were a TON of comments on it and a lot of them were so nice! I must've spent like 30 minutes trying to read all of them," He explained nonchalantly.

A wave of anxiety suddenly came crashing over Seungcheol again, 'he read the comments' He thought to himself as he tried to act casual and change the subject. He took a sip of coffee, staring into his mug so he didn't have to look Jeonghan in the eyes, "Hannie?"


Seungcheol took a deep breath, still not looking at him, "Did....did you eat anything since lunch yesterday?" He prayed to God the answer would be yes.

"Yeah, I had a piece of toast and two eggs for breakfast just an hour ago," He answered very quickly.

"Oh thank god." Seungcheol accidentally said that out loud, "I mean..uh- that's good cause you didn't have dinner last night."

"Haha yeah that's true. Hey, I'm gonna go get my stuff together, would you mind asking Hansol and Minghao to do the dishes? It's their turn." He asked, walking out of the kitchen.

"Yeah sure!" The black haired boy called after him.
Jeonghan said he ate breakfast, but Seungcheol couldn't help but get the feeling he was lying about it.

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