Only To The Outside World

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"Y'know what, why don't we call it a day for the dancing. We know this stuff, I think we'll be fine," Soonyoung explained, "We've only got 5 days to practice before we have to fly to Japan for the MAMAs, but I don't want us to get run down."

Seungcheol approached him as everyone went to grab their things, "Thanks for being chill about this," The older boy muttered to him.

Soonyoung smiled as he sipped his water, "Of course, it's no big-"

He was interrupted by a loud crash from the other side of the room. They both turned around and saw Chan lying on the floor, groaning. Mingyu was running over to help him get back on his feet..err..foot.

"I'm still getting used to these crutches," The Maknae laughed, trying to stand back up.

Seungcheol rubbed his forehead, "Please be careful, Chan," he warned, it felt like the 2,000th time he'd said it. This is the 3rd time Chan had fallen in the last week, it started to be routine.


They left the rehearsal room and went to get lunch, and Seungcheol was pleased to see his boyfriend with a large sandwich, despite the disgusted look on Jeonghan's face.

"I'm glad you're eating something good," Seungcheol said to him as he took a bite of his own sandwich.

"This kinda food is gonna make me fat," The silver-haired boy mumbled under his breath, probably not expecting Seungcheol to hear it.

"Jeonghan, it's not gonna make you fat. Please, you need it." He chuckled in response, furrowing his eyebrows at the younger.

Jeonghan simply rolled his eyes at him, "Can't I just eat half? I already had an apple so I'm not that hungry, please, just half?" He pleaded, giving Seungcheol puppydog eyes.

'I have such a hard time saying no to him' Seungcheol thought to himself.
"Ok, you can have half, I'll eat the rest of it." He said, giving up, rubbing his temple in frustration.

"You can't let him win like that," Seungcheol heard a voice say from behind him. He turned around in his seat to see who it was.

It was Choi Minki, the guy that told him when Jeonghan was sick in the bathroom, "Uh-excuse me?" Seungcheol asked, quirking an intrigued eyebrow.

"If you want him to get better, you can't let him bargain." He explained, crossing his arms; The boy's nails were painted purple and pink to match the streaks of colour in his hair, accentuating his delicate facial features; he looked quite pretty.

Jeonghan spoke up suddenly, "Listen man, I don't think this is any of your business," He stood up from his seat.

Minki took a step closer to Jeonghan, lowering his voice, "I used to have the same problem; I've been there. Trust me, it's better in the long run," He gently explained, turning around and walking away, saluting with a sassy wave as he left.

Both boys sat back down and were quiet for a moment before Jeonghan broke the silence, "Please, just half of the sandwich. Don't listen to that guy, cmon please?!" He continued to beg and whine.

'I can't do it. I just can't do it. I can't say no to him,' Seungcheol thought.
"Ok FINE! Half!" He put his head down on the table in frustration, lifting it up only a moment later to see Jisoo sitting down at their table.

"I'm getting so tired of Hansol and Seungkwan's PDA, I'm sitting with you guys." He groaned, sitting himself down on the chair in between the two boys; he flashed Seungcheol a friendly grin, making his cute eye-smiles become more apparent.

Jeonghan had this smug-ass grin on his face as he confidantly plopped the other half of his sandwich onto Seungcheol's plate.
"You two enjoy your lunch," The older boy grumbled, a little more passive-aggressively than he meant to. Seungcheol was not mad at Jeonghan, but he was certainly a bit frustrated with his boyfriend's stubbornness. He went and sat with Soonyoung to discuss the MAMAs next week, "What's up, man? Spill the tea!" Seungcheol said to him excitedly.

"Ok so I talked to the stage director and we are gonna go on right after Red Velvet, and right before they announce Best New Artist. We've got a 13 minute stage and we have 아주 Nice, Without You, Clap, and Thanks. I called the head stylist and she said we'd be wearing all black with pops of red; button up shirts, jeans with leather and chain accessories- a bit kinky of you ask me but whatever. PD-Nim is sending Minghao, Seungkwan, and Wonwoo to the salon tomorrow to get their hair dyed. He said Wonwoo is gonna get red hair and I'm fucking hyped for it. I heard we're getting a private jet to fly to Japan..." Soonyoung was rambling about our upcoming performance but Seungcheol had long since stopped listening.

He was watching Jeonghan and Jisoo from across the room, they were smiling and laughing and hi-fiving. 'God, I just wish I could get Jeonghan to get over this whole weight problem. I don't get it; he's not fat, but he just can't see it that way no matter how much I try to convince him.'
He could see how his boyfriend's eyes lit up as Jisoo told him jokes; Jeonghan was happily eating his food without complaint. Perhaps he'd forgotten about his 'diet' for a moment.

Seungcheol found himself biting back a smile as he continued to think to himself, 'I just love seeing Jeonghan so happy, if only it was me-his boyfriend-over there making him laugh and not Jisoo. Whatever, I guess I should thank Jisoo for making Jeonghan feel better, he's always been such a kind guy.'

Seungcheol's daze was broken when Soonyoung started waving his hand in front of the older boy's face.

"Hello? Earth to Seungcheol? Dude have you been listening to anything I just said?!" He grumbled, over dramatically pouting.

"Sorry, I stopped listening right after you mentioned flying to Japan," Seungcheol laughed, taking a bite of his (Jeonghan's) sandwich.

Soonyoung broke out into a full rant, comedically scolding his Hyung under his breath, "That was like five minutes ago! Ugh Christ almighty, if you're just gonna ogle Jisoo like a damn piece of meat the entire time you should go sit somewhere else. Honestly I don't know why I even try with you anymore, you never listen to me, nobody ever listens to me!" He finished, taking a deep breath and rubbing his forehead in distress. His face had gone red from anger.

Seungcheol put a apologetic hand on his arm, trying to calm him, "Y'know what, you're right. You're totally right; I am sorry, you have my full attention...Wait, wait hold on," Thinking about Soonyoung's rant, something didn't sound right. Seungcheol thought for a moment, slowly realizing what Soonyoung had said.

The younger boy looked confused, "What? What is it?"

Seungcheol locked eyes with him, taking on a severe tone, "Soonyoung, what..what did you say about Jisoo?" his voice was higher than he intended.

"I said that if you're gonna stare at Jisoo from across the room like a pervert, then fine, but don't start a conversation with me and then not listen to anything I have to say." He huffed, taking a sip of his coffee.

The older boy took a deep breath, trying to contain his disbelief, "You...You think...that I...was ogling Jisoo?!" he sputtered, trying to keep his voice down.

Soonyoung leaned back in his seat, his small eyes filled with confidence, "Hate to break this to you, Hyung, but we ALL know you're in love with him."

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