Trust And Patience

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"Woah woah woah guys, one at a time, please!" Jeonghan chuckled, clearly overwhelmed by the 12 people all crowding around his hospital bed. The room was much too small for that many people.

"Y'know what, visiting hours are actually over so you guys are gonna have to go home soon," The doctor explained, brushing her long, brown hair out of her face.

"How many days until I get to go home again?" Jeonghan asked her, his eyebrows furrowed in frustration, he bit his lip harshly.

"Only two, Mr. Yoon," She replied, giving a sympathetic smile.

Jeonghan sighed heavily, "Good, once I'm released from this hospital, all I want is to go back to my own bed in my own room in Korea," he explained.

His words made Seungcheol cringe, because he knew Jeonghan wasn't gonna get to go home for a while.


After the boys all gave Jeonghan plenty of hugs, they eventually left the hospital. As they walked through the parking lot to the van, Jisoo pulled Seungcheol aside, away from the others.

"When are you gonna tell them? When are you gonna tell HIM?" He whispered, his hand tightly gripping Seungcheol's forearm.

He tried to pry Jisoo's hand off of him, "Very soon, I promise."

"I'm trusting you on this."

"I know," Seungcheol's  eyes remained focused on the pavement below him.

"Not driving," Wonwoo shouted as they all reached the van.

"Not it," Jihoon followed suit.

Hansol did the same, "Not it."

As did Junhui, "Not it."

Before everyone else could say it too, Seungcheol went ahead and volunteered as tribute, "Ugh fine, I'll drive."

'I haven't driven in like a year, Jeonghan always does it; and Jisoos Christ the traffic in Tokyo is terrible! Who knew Japanese rush hour was at 11:00pm?!'


When they pulled into the hotel parking lot almost an hour later, Seungcheol looked around to the back seat and saw that everyone had fallen asleep; obviously exhausted after that hell of a day they had. Jisoo, who was up in the front with him, was still playing a game on his phone.
Seungcheol tapped on his shoulder to get his attention, "Jisoo, look," he whispered.

10 adorable, sleeping children; they looked so innocent and blissful. "I almost don't want to wake them up," Jisoo whispered back; his lips curling into a smile as he locked eyes with his best friend.

The incoming moonlight illuminated his princely features, bringing out the tinges of gold in his coppery eyes. Seungcheol was hypnotized by his beauty.

The leader quietly unbuckled his seatbelt, leaning over his seat to get closer to Jisoo; grabbing onto his hand. They were centimeters apart, breathing the same air. Seungcheol's lips just barely brushed against Jisoo's when a car horn went off, causing them both to jump back in surprise.

"Ugh, what was that?!" Jihoon groaned from the seat behind Jisoo, lazily rubbing his eyes.

All of the other sleeping boys soon woke up too; thankfully, they didn't see the kiss.

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