Desperate Measures

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Apparently Jisoo and Seungcheol fell asleep cuddling last night because they woke up entangled in each other's Jisoo's bed.

"Well this looks pretty incriminating, all things considered," the younger guy chuckled as he got up from the Queen sized bed. 

Seungcheol checked his phone, "It's only 8:00am, the other guys are probably still asleep," He said, sitting up.
Jisoo opened the window curtains, allowing sunlight to fill the room and fucking blind them. "Aah! Turn down the sun!" The older whined, covering his eyes.

Jisoo quickly closed the curtains, chuckling, "Sorry," -he walked back over and sat on the bed next to Seungcheol- "You want to go get food? They got continental breakfast in the lobby."

"Sure," he sighed, rubbing his eyes.

"Are you gonna tell them today?" Jisoo asked out of the blue.
He was staring intently at Seungcheol, who though for a moment before answering him, "I'll talk to Jeonghan about him going to rehab, but telling the other guys should probably be his decision," he explained, clearing his throat to get rid of his 'morning voice'.

Jisoo nodded, running his fingers through his hair to fix it.


Once the two reached the breakfast bar in the lobby, they were surprised to see that all the other guys were already down there.

Soonyoung was the first to notice them, "Hyung check this out! They got waffles!" He shouted from across the room.

"Stop yelling, you idiot!" Seungkwan yelled back.

Soonyoung turned around to face him, "Hey, I'm your hyung, show some respect!" He scolded, shoving Seungkwan a little too hard, causing him to bump into Minghao, who got slammed into the wall.

"Respect this!" The Mullet-clad boy shrieked suddenly, followed by a muffled *slap* noise.

"Did you just throw a waffle at me?! Oh you're gonna get it, Xu!" Seungkwan screeched.

Soonyoung followed suit, "You're the one that's gonna get it!" He growled, lunging at Seungkwan, putting him into a choke hold.

"Get your filthy paws off my boyfriend!" Hansol jumped on Soonyoung's back, choking him from behind.

Next thing Seungcheol knew, those fucktards are fighting in the middle of a hotel buffet. There's screeching, hair pulling, bitch slapping, He coulda sworn he heard someone say "hold my earrings."

Jisoo and Seungcheol ran over there, attempting to pry them apart from each other, "STOP IT, STOP IT, YOU IDIOTS!" The leader yelled, relentlessly trying to break up the fight. Jisoo tried to pull Hansol off of Soonyoung; Seungcheol tried to separate Seungkwan and Minghao.

They soon gave up and stopped fighting, much to Seungcheol's exhausted relief. Each and every person in the room was giving them dirty looks.

'I'd never been so embarrassed in my life.'

He turned to face the boys once again, ignoring their disheveled appearance and apologetic faces.
"Group meeting; all of you. Outside. NOW!" Seungcheol scolded them through gritted teeth, he could feel his face turning bright red.

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