1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Shots Deep

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Jisoo hadn't spoken to Seungcheol much since Monday. In fact, it almost felt like he'd been actively avoiding him since that whole 'thing' that happened.

'It's to be expected, if I were in his position, I'd want to lay low for a while, too.'

Jeonghan has always been a quiet guy, but he's been especially quiet since Monday. He also appears to be avoiding Jisoo, which is, again, very understandable given the circumstances. Seungcheol was sure everything has blown over by now; everything is fine. 


"Damn this week went by fast!" Chan announced as the boys sat around the dinner table on Thursday night, they feasted on the most exquisite of culinary masterpieces: pizza.

"Hey, watch your fuckin language!" Jihoon yelled, stuffing a large bite of pizza into his mouth, this made Seokmin burst into laughter.

Chan was right though; this past few days did go by really fast. Tomorrow is when they get on a plane to go to Tokyo for the MAMAs. They were all super excited for it, but also super nervous.

"I'm so excited and nervous about performing at the MAMAs," Chan continued, almost as if he could read the narrator's mind.

"What? All you've got to do is sit there and sing a few lines. We're the ones actually dancing," Mingyu argued with him.

Chan set his water glass down angrily, "Ok y'know what, Hyung. I don't wanna hear this again because-"

"No no no Mingyu's right, you see?" Wonwoo cut him off, widely gesturing with his pizza.

"Well wait I think Chan has a good point-" Seokmin joined in.

The conversation at the table just increased in volume until half the guys were screaming at each other for no real reason. Seungcheol slammed his hand down on the table to get their attention, "Woah woah woah! Fuckin chill, guys. We can't get ANOTHER noise complaint this month," he explained once they quieted down.

"Sorry," Chan mumbled as he sipped his water.

The rest of the night continued with an unusual awkward tension between everyone. All of the guys seemed to stay weirdly completely quiet; in fact, most of the guys went to bed early. Seungcheol assumed it was pre-MAMA nerves talking.


Most of the guys had gone to bed; Seungcheol was still sitting on the couch with his laptop in front of him; He had a cup of pretzels on the coffee table beside him, the bright computer screen blacked out the rest of the living room in his field of vision.
"Ooh, Namjoon-sunbaenim is doing a Vlive," he mumbled out loud as he shoved another pretzel into his mouth.

After several minutes, he heard footsteps behind him.
Turning his head to follow the noise, Seungcheol saw Jeonghan stumble into the living room and approach the couch; he was wearing a large white tshirt and some (very short) black shorts. His hair was wet, Seungcheol supposed that he just got out of the shower. Since everyone else was asleep, the older boy hoped they could have some well-deserved cuddle time now that they're both not busy.

"Hey," Jeonghan mumbled, sitting, crisscross applesauce, on the couch right next to his boyfriend. He had a glass of clear liquid in his hand, which Seungcheol assumed was water, "I g-guess everyone else went to bed. It's so quiet now," he mumbled, wrapping his arm around Seungcheol's shoulders.

Seungcheol shut his laptop and set it on the coffee table, looking at his lovely boyfriend. A sliver of moonlight shone in from the window and illuminated Jeonghan's beautiful face, his pine-coloured eyes shining as bright as always, "We're finally alone," Seungcheol whispered. There was an awkward silence for several seconds.

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