Domestic Disagreements

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The guys got on ok over the course of that next week.
Jeonghan was able to call them every other day, which definitely made life without him much easier to the guys.

"Bye Hannie! Goodnight, I love you, too!" Seungcheol cooed, hanging up with Jeonghan as they got home from work on Friday night.

"Alright, who wants Mexican for dinner?" Jisoo asked while everyone was still in the living room.

"I don't like Mexican food," Seokmin whined, sitting on the couch, propping his feet up lazily.

"How about Chili's?" Jisoo asked meekly.

Seungkwan sat next to him, "I'm on a diet, I can't," he said, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Me too," Mingyu chimed in, walking towards the bathroom.

"Me three!" Chan, too.

"Maybe Olive Garden?" Seungcheol suggested.

Jihoon walked by them, "More like Food Poisoning Garden.." He scoffed.

"Ok fine, how about Panda Express?!" He asked, plastering on a fake smile.

"I'm boycotting that place, their CEO supports homophobic charities," Minghao walked in from the kitchen, a can of diet coke in his hands.

"Their food always makes me sick anyway.." Wonwoo complained, sitting down on the couch next to Seungkwan.

"What food DOESN'T make you sick, Wonwoo?" Jisoo asked with an obvious tinge of sarcasm, putting his hands on his hips.
He thought for a moment, "How about Chik-fil-A?"

"Homophobic!" Minghao yelled from the other side of the dorm.

"Maybe some sushi?"

"No!" Wonwoo, Junhui, and Seungkwan and shouted in unison, vehemently opposed to it.

"Ok ok, y'know what, fine. Get your own damn dinner! Clearly, nobody wants to eat the same thing and we are NOT ordering pizza for the 10th time this week. Goodnight!" Seungcheol barked, lumbering upstairs to his bedroom in frustration, slamming the door shut behind him.

Everyone downstairs watched in silence, their mouths agape at their leader's behavior.

Hansol walked into the living room from his bedroom, looking up from his phone with a confused expression, "So..was that a definite 'no' on the Panda Express?"


Seungcheol laid in his bed, numbly staring at the ceiling for what was probably 5 minutes. Eventually, he heard a soft knock at the door, followed by the unmistakably angelic voice of his boyfriend, "Cheolie? Can I come in?"


The door creaked open, Jisoo stepped inside, shutting it behind him, "Hey.."

Seungcheol sat up, hugging a throw pillow to his chest, "Hey," he moaned groggily.

Jisoo sat on the bed next to him, "Ok, what was that all about?"

"Those ungrateful brats can't agree on anything," he grumbled, rubbing his forehead.

"Seungcheol.." Jisoo was clearly surprised by his boyfriend's harsh words, "Cut them some slack, will you?"

He sighed, laying back down in bed, "You're right. I love all of them, and would die for them, you know that. Just..sometimes they really are too much, yknow?"

Jisoo laid down next to him, grabbing his hand, "I know..Tensions are high, we're all stressed, it's all very understandable. Now that you've taken some time to think things over, let's go downstairs and have a civil discussion about dinner, ok?"

Seungcheol turned to face Jisoo, planting a soft kiss on his cheek before sitting up, "Ok."


The living room was still filled with uncomfortable silence when Jisoo and Seungcheol returned. They walked to the front of the room together, grasping everyone's attention with some overdramatic throat-clearing.

"*ahem* *ahem* Ok so..Seungcheol-hyung has something he wants to say," Jisoo began, scratching his head.

10 anticipating gazes turned toward Seungcheol, "Yes, well, uh..I'm sorry for snapping earlier. If it's not too late, do you think we can all agree on one place to have dinner?" He anxiously twiddled his thumbs, watching their faces carefully.

"Yeah, it's all good, hyung," Mingyu said, giving the leader a reassuring grin.

They all nodded and murmured
in agreement, much to Seungcheol's relief.

"Now I'm just spitballing here, but how about Chick-fil-a? Minghao, I know you're not too keen on going there, but can you make an exception just this once?" Jisoo asked, raising his eyebrows as his gaze shifted to the skinny, mullet-clad boy sitting on the couch in front of him, "Seungkwan, Mingyu, and Chan, they've got plenty of heathy options. Jihoon, rest assured, you will never get food poisoning from there."

Minghao sighed, sipping his Diet Coke, "Chik fil a is fine.." He said, blinking slowly.

Seungcheol cleared is throat, "Great! I'm fucking hungry!" He cheered, walking to the front door, putting on his shoes and putting on his coat. He patiently waited for the other guys to do the same.

Jisoo led the way as the 12 of them filed out of their dorm and into the hall, "Cmon guys, let's go support homophobia!" He sarcastically cheered, putting his fist up in the air.

"Not funny, hyung," Minghao nagged, rolling his eyes.

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