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Once the 12 boys entered the mall, they were met with hoards of loud people, lots of stores, and lots of sale adverisements. They hadn't been able to go to this mall since in opened the previous summer, but were excited to check it out

"Ooh! They've got a Cinnabon here!" Junhui said, pointing at the nearby restaurant.

Jihoon's eyes lit up, "And a guitar store!"

"Haha, don't even think about it. Remember what happened last time you got your hands on a guitar?" Jisoo asked, crossing his arms at the pink haired boy next to him.

Mingyu groaned, "I sure remember.." He said under his breath.

"Ooh! A Spencer's! Let's go in there, it looks cool!" Wonwoo excitedly jumped up and down like a 5-year-old on Christmas morning, running into the store; the others followed him inside.

"This store is...interesting," Jisoo remarked, almost yelling over the loud music that was playing.

The walls of the store were lined with profane tshirts, weed-themed coffee mugs, and...satanism books?

"My Christian ass just wasn't ready for this.." He remarked to Seungheol, uncomfortably fiddling with his cross necklace, "Yknow what, I'll meet you guys outside."

Wonwoo looked like a kid in a candy store. He ran around, picking up strange pieces of jewelry and miscellaneous LGBT Pride-themed items, apparently he planned to buy a lot of it.

Seungcheol wandered to the back of the Spencer's, eyeing up the unique cat posters that they sold. He stopped cold in his tracks when he saw the back wall, "A wall full of sex toys?!" He whispered to himself, his eyes as wide as saucers as he gazed over the seemingly endless shelves of vibrators, butt plugs, riding crops, cockrings, and god knows what else.

"Wow! That's the second most dildos I've ever seen in one room!" Hansol laughed, turning to look at Seungkwan, "The first was your mom's bedroom."

Seungkwan simply rolled his eyes, slinging his arm around his boyfriend, pecking him on the cheek, "Ugh, Solie.. One more joke like that and I won't buy you that lingerie set you wanted so bad..and I wanted to see you wearing it tonight."

Seungcheol wished he hadn't heard that, he turned and quickly walked away from the couple, suppressing his gags.

He hurriedly walked out of the store, waiting with Jisoo, Chan, and Junhui next to the escalators, "Ok so I'm never going back in there ," he mumbled.

"Me neither, I'm too innocent for half of what they sell there," Chan said, crossing his arms.

Soon enough, the rest of the guys came back out of the Spencer's, now they just had to wait for Wonwoo.
When Wonwoo came out, he was carrying two large bags with him and he was grinning from ear to ear.

"You didn't buy anything from the back wall, did you?" Jisoo asked tentatively as they all began to walk around the mall some more.

"No no, but I did get this tshirt that has a Pansexual pride flag on it! And a hat that says "fuck off". Also they had a bag of edible gummy dicks, so I bought those," he rambled, stifling a giggle.

Seungcheol ruffled Wonwoo's hair, "Haha, well I'm glad you found some good stuff. Now, who wants to get lunch in the food court?"

Everyone murmured in agreement, heading towards the west wing of the mall.
They were surrounded by a bunch of fast food restaurants. Everything from McDonald's to Panda Express.
The boys marveled at the wonderful selection.

"I wanna go to the philly cheese steak place!" Chan said, pointing to the opposite side of the food court.

"I want pizza" jihoon motioned towards the nearest restaurant.

Seungcheol nodded, scanning the room, "That's all well and good. Mingyu, what do you have want?" He asked, turning around to face the group.
He quickly realized that there were only 10 people standing there when there should've been 11.

"Where's Mingyu?" Jisoo asked, folding his arms, "God sakes, did he wander off again?"

"I'm calling him," Wonwoo said, pulling out his phone. He patiently waited for Mingyu to answer his phone, which he didn't, "His phone must've died."

"Ok well I guess we've got to go look for him.." Junhui turned around on his heel, marching towards the other side of the mall, motioning for the rest of the guys to follow him.

They walked all over the mall, looking into each store, and they couldn't find him. They only had one wing of the mall left to look through.

"What's a..lost parent station?" Chan suddenly asked, reading the sign above a nearby storefront.

Jisoo turned and looked at him, "It's where lost kids are supposed to go when they get separated from their parents..." He trailed off, having a realization, "I swear to god, if Mingyu is in there.." He groaned, storming into the lost parent station, Seungcheol following closely behind.

Jisoo approached the front desk, "Hi," he began, putting on a polite smile, "God, this is gonna sound weird but..did a 22-year-old, 6'2, child happen to come in here, saying that he'd 'lost his hyungs'?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

The woman behind the counter gave a polite smile, "Um..yes actually! He's in the back room, come with me."

She led Jisoo and Seungcheol down a hallway and into what looked like a kindergarten classroom.
The room was filled with toys and coloring books; there were about 7 kids in there, all under the age of 10...and then Mingyu was sitting on the floor playing wth them. He was stacking blocks with one of the children.

"Mingyu, your..hyungies..are here for you," the lady said, walking away back to the front desk.

Mingyu looked over and his eyes lit up, "Jisoo-hyung! Seungcheol-hyung! Hey!" He ran over, giving them a big hug,"Thanks for finding me! My phone died and I couldn't find you or anything. I didn't know where else to go, so I came here. It's nice here, they gave me a juice box and a cookie!"

Seungcheol was gonna make a joke about Mingyu's perceived immaturity, but figured it wasn't the right time, "Yeah..I'm glad we found you."

The three of them exited the storefront, joining the rest of the guys.

"Is there a pet store here? I think we need to buy you a leash," Soonyoung joked, ruffling Mingyu's hair.

They began walking back toward the food court again, "You gotta stop wandering off, Gyu," Junhui cooed, smiling at the boy in question.

"I know.." Mingyu chuckled, running a hand through his hair.

Seungcheol cleared his thought, "Ok..now, who wants food?!"

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