Where To Look-Part 1

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The next morning was filled with tearful goodbyes as the gang dropped Jeonghan off at the rehab facility.

"I promise we're gonna visit every Saturday while you're there," Junhui repeated as he wrapped his arms tightly around Jeonghan, "Hyung, we're gonna miss you so much," he whined, wiping a tear off of his cheek.

"Oh, I'm gonna miss you too, Junnie" Jeonghan let go of Junhui and continued down the line, hugging everybody one more time, "oh, and I'm gonna miss you, Jihoonie; and you, Gyu-gyu, and Hao, and Hansolie, and Kwannie, and Minnie, and Wonu, and Soonyoung; oh and my baby, Channie!" He cooed, sniffling as he finished by hugging the maknae, "Oh and Cheolie and Shua!" Jeonghan rushed over to his two boyfriends, giving them each a short-but-meaningful kiss before pulling them both in for a tight hug, "I love you guys so much."

"We love you too, Hannie," Seungcheol and Jisoo replied in unison, each gripping onto Jeonghan as tight as they could, hoping they'd never have to let go.

Before they knew it, Jeonghan was walking through the automatic double doors of the rehab center, suitcase in hand; and the rest of the boys were in the van, pulling out of the parking lot. A solemn silence filled the van for several minutes before Seungcheol finally said something.

"Ok, now that Jeonghan-hyung is gone, let's go get ice cream!" He announced, hoping to lighten the mood.

The mood was not lightened. 

Everyone remained quiet, rolling their eyes and groaning at their hyung.

"Ok..no ice cream. Do you guys want to go see a movie? We've got the rest of the day off." Jisoo suggested, turning around so he could face the back seat.

Once again, nothing.

"Ok fine, we'll just go home," Seungcheol mumbled, shooting Jisoo a concerned look before quickly putting his eyes back on the road.


The next morning was...less than pleasurable, to say the least.

Jisoo decided to sleep in Seungcheol's bed that previous night, they cuddled until they fell asleep, it was cute, blah blah blah.

Fast foward to 6:30am in the morning when the two boyfriends were rudely awoken by the incessant ringing of the smoke alarm...followed by a lot of screaming.

Seungcheol's eyes shot open upon hearing the noise, he untangled himself from Jisoo and bolted out of his room. He jumped down the entire flight of stairs; rushing into the kitchen, "Fire! Fire?! Wait-what's going on?!" He asked frantically, taking in the sight in front of him.

Thick, grey smoke filled the room, clouding the vision of anybody who entered; the smoke instantly invaded Seungcheol's lungs, he struggled to hold back his coughs.

Seungkwan stood in the middle of the kitchen, fire extinguisher in his hands, and an apologetic look on his face.

Mingyu stood by the stove, he was covered in fire extinguisher foam. He crossed his arms angrily, "I'm gonna kill you, Boo," he growled through gritted teeth.

Junhui was standing on a chair, poking at the smoke alarm with a broomstick. The chair looked like it could break at any moment. Wonwoo was sitting on the floor, trying to cut fruit with a pair of scissors.

The rest of the boys were loudly arguing about this or that.
Seungcheol thought he was going to have a heart attack from shock, "EVERYONE SHUT UP, JUST SHUT UP!" He boomed, getting the attention of his dongsaengs, "Seungkwan, drop the fire extinguisher! Junhui, get off of that chair,right now! Wonu, put the scissors down!"
He rubbed his forehead, sighing, "Please enlighten me, what the hell happened?" His voice went up in pitch, indicating his annoyance. At this point, Jisoo had also reached the kitchen; he put a sympathetic hand on his boyfriend's shoulder.

"We were trying to make breakfast, like how Jeonghan-hyung makes for us," Minghao replied sheepishly, glancing at the floor in embarrassment.

Mingyu wiped some white foam off of his face, "That's when we remembered that we don't know how to cook...and some of us don't know how to put out fires, SEUNGKWAN!" He raised his voice, shaking a fist at the boy next to him.

"Ok, ok!" Seungcheol interjected, putting his hands up defensively, "Let's just...clean this up. I appreciate the sentiment; but next time, ask us for help so you don't burn down the kitchen."

Junhui groaned, climbing down from the chair, "Maybe we should just stop at McDonald's for breakfast on the way to work," he mumbled, rubbing his forehead.

"That sounds great," Jisoo gave a forced smile as he approached Mingyu, a roll of paper towels in hand, though he stopped short, setting the paper towels on the counter, "Y'know what, gyu? Why don't you just shower before we leave?"

Mingyu nodded, shooting Seungkwan another dirty look before walking away towards the bathroom.

Seungcheol hoped that this incident wasn't an indicator of how the next few weeks would go.

Once they guys arrived at work, their managers called them in for a meeting; striking fear in Seungcheol's heart.

'I'm sure he's not gonna, like, fire us or anything' He thought.

They sat expectantly in the meeting room, their manager at the head of the table, "This may not come as a shock, but we are going to delay your next comeback until Jeonghan is in the right condition to perform. Whether that's a month, or 6 months; Its not worth it to rush the album release. Until then, please try and continue with your work; producing, writing, choreographing, etc," the manager explained, sighing.

Seungcheol was beyond relieved to hear the good news, obviously; as were the rest of the guys.


The next week went by without a hitch. Jisoo taught Seungkwan and Minghao how to make breakfast without burning the house down, though they still ended up having fast food for breakfast most days. Nobody has gotten into a fight or gone to the hospital (except Chan, who can finally walk without crutches), and things have been overall pretty chill.

By Friday afternoon, the Seventeen dorm was filled with jovial laughter and general craziness, in a good way.

Seungcheol and Jisoo stood at the landing of the stairs, watching as the rest of the boys were playing an intense game of freeze tag in the living room.

Jisoo grabbed for Seungcheol's hand, holding it tightly in his, "This is gonna be ok, yah?"

Seungcheol locked eyes with him, a smile growing on his face, "Yeah, I think so," he whispered, giving Jisoo a peck on the cheek before they both walked down the stairs to put a stop to their game before they broke something.

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