Chapter 9

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Skylars point of view.

I've been having a few memories return except of who was the lady and what happened in September....

I was trying to sketch the woman who was in my dreams and memories.

Soon Slender came in and looked at what I was drawing.

"Who's this?" He asked.

"Well, She is Someone....important to me.....I think." I replied I had a memory return of her singing a song. I hummed a song softly and soon he gasped when I finished drawing the pale woman.

Come little children I'll take thee away to an enchanted place, follow little children it must be this way to my garden of shadows.

Come little children life is this way murdering beauty and passion.

The song played in my mind.

The voice was familiar, the red eyes. The black long hair that curled. The pale skin and long neck making her, unique mother like. The black like tux. The voice she had was gentle but strict.

The memories were foggy and most of them were missing and her voice sometimes didn't make out words.

One thing I knew was there was a cabin somewhere in the woods, the forest next to a neighborhood but hidden enough that the police can't find.

Standing abruptly I ran through the mansion and jump robber the stairs.

She can't be dead....right.

The voices were quiet.

I had tentacles wrapped around my arms and ankles and everyone looked at me as Slender held me back.

I closed my eyes as a tentacle wrapped around my neck.

The pastas murmured and I looked at Toby: my gentle glaze roughly watched him.

I could hear the screaming and crying in my head as I replayed my memory of Toby and his sister.

"Where do you think your going?" Slender asked. I forgot he couldn't read my mind.

I glared softly at the tentacles around me.

"Who is this?" Slender asked as he showed my drawing of her in front of me.

"I don't know." I replied.

"Who is this?" He asked again but more firmly.

"I don't know..." I groaned with frustration.

"Your lying."

"Since when were you a lying detector?" I asked.

"Since when did you work with Zalgo?" He asked and I could feel some people glaring at me. I just flinched at the name.

"I don't!" I replied in frustration.

"She is a worker for Zalgo." He tightened his tentacles around me.

I lifted my eyelids up a bit more looking at my scene.

"Since when didn't I know this or never did." I barked.

"Child this is something serious and we need to talk. Elsewhere that is, children continue what you were doing."

"Come little children I'll take thee away to an enchanted place. Follow sweet children it must be this way to the garden of shadows~" I hummed the time softly as I was soon teleported to Slender's office.

"How do you know this person?" He asked sitting in a chair. I was tied to a chair. I glared slilently at him.

"How do I not?" I asked tilting my head.

"She's one of his workers." He said leaning forward a bit.

"What if she's not?" I peeked my eyes onto his desk.

"She is his most loyal servant." He growled.

"What if?" I asked.

"What relationship do you have with her?" He asked more firmly.

"Oh- mother like I guess kinda like you I mean you both act the same, both mean and no room for arguement. Both wearing black tuxedos most- of the time... I think- umm I think she also eats humans yeah... so I don't know like my mother?!" I questioned.

He just sighed.

"Do you know Zalgo?"He asked.

"How could I not!?" I hissed.

"Do you know him or not?" He hissed.

His jaw ripped and showed his sharp teeth and black younger that slithered.

"I DONT KNOW HIM!" I barked.

"YOUR LYING!" His voices boomed around me making me snarl. A fierce growl ripped from my throat.

My hair flew out and onto the ground and my skin slowly turned black and my eyes sunk revealing black voids. My teeth were sharper than knifes. My black tongue stuck out.

"Why!?" I cried. My left leg brightly glowed showing my taboo symbols all over my leg. Blood seeped from my leg.  My horns grew straight up instead of curling. Instead of tears black substance fell from my voidless eyes. Slender looked at my monstrous form.

I felt a hand slide from my jaw to my cheek.

I stiffened remembering the same presence that tormented me when I fell asleep.

"Dear darling my sweet bride the times coming soon- as for those like him will die." He then was gone. I ripped the ropes off and clutches my head as memories flooded back into my head making me scream in agony.

I kept screaming 'go away' or 'leave me alone'. One of Slender's tendrils tried to grab a hold of me but I just snapped and his tendrils melted like an water evaporating. Static boomed through the mansion once again. An then in the distance a loud war cry of the Zodiacs came. They bursted through the door*Through da window TO DA WALL! Sorry*  "WhERes MeH BeBy SkYlAr!!!" They screamed some just held pitch forks stabbing the air.

In the end the Zodiacs ended up hugging Skylar trying to calm her down as she kept freaking out while the pastas were terrified.

"It's going to be alright Skylar." Capricorn said while rubbing circles on my back.

"He isn't here, your alright we'll protect you." Aries said while being bitten by me. My teeth where still in Aries skin as they hugged me.

The others were getting stuff and saying many things.

"How do you know her?" Jeff asked.

"She is our friend, we met when we were younger we know the other side of her which is this side." Leo replied with worry in their glossy eyes.

Slender had his coat off and his tie sling around his shoulder.

I soon calmed down and returned to my other form. Human basically.

The Zodiacs sighed in relief and hugged me tightly.

Soon they left and I was left in the living room.

I wracked my brain with memories.

I held my head as I remembered Toby's sister in the wreck.

"Ms.Pencilneck!" I said and it clicked.

I stumbled to get up and made a mad dash for the door escaping the shooting tendrils that rushed towards me.

Running through the forest.

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