Chapter 5

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I shifted around in my bed as I slowly opened my eyes. I squinted them due to the bright light seeking through the curtain. I covered my hands with my eyes as I slowly got up from the bed. I walked into the huge bathroom as I yawned. My eyes searched myself in the mirror as I screamed.

"AAAAAHHHH!" I screamed noticing there was blood everywhere. Before I knew it, a tired Jahseh stood in front of me.

"W-What happened?" He yawned as he rubbed his eyes. It was cute when he cared.

His eyes reverted to my legs as he jumped back. "You need pads?" He asked as I chuckled a little but quickly got back to the point.

"No, I just got off two weeks ago." I said as he looked at me with a concerning look. He walked towards me putting his hands out for my stomach.

"Let me feel. If you do, it won't hurt me as bad." He said as I nodded. He touched my stomach as if a baby was there.

His eyes flashed yellow as he looked around. My heart pumped by the second. He felt closer to my vagina then stopped. After about 15 seconds his eyes were back to normal as he looked at me.

"You suffered a first trimester miscarriage." He said as I shrugged. I would've aborted it anyway.

"Thank you." I said as I grabbed toilet paper cleaning some blood from my leg. He nodded as he left the room. I continued to clean the blood as I felt my face get hot. I felt tears start to fall as I put the toilet paper in the toilet.

I slid down the bathroom wall as I pulled my knees to my chest. There was blood but I didn't care. I was having one of my breakdowns when I would just cry because of life. Now this. Even though I would've aborted it, it kinda hurt to know my body failed on my own child.

I quickly got up wiping my eyes. I try to be as strong as I can be. I walked back into my room and into the walk-in closet. I grabbed a regular t-shirt and some high waisted jeans, along with some underwear and a bra. I walked back into the bathroom as I set the clothes down on the marble shiny counter. I turned the shower knob quickly hopping in. Jahseh already put my favorite soap in here so I was already set.

1 hour later

I walked into the kitchen as I grabbed a water out of the double refrigerator. I opened it and drank as I watched the water bottle suck in. I released from the bottle as the air fulfilled it. I put the cap back on as I turned around seeing Jahseh in the kitchen as well.

"Where's Stokeley?" I asked only to be pushed up on the kitchen counter with him in between my legs.

"London, we can't keep doing this. Remember the fucking rules." He said as I looked down. I wasn't scared, but more of a nervous feeling.

"I-I, sor-ry." I choked out as he let me go. I quickly walked grabbed the water bottle walking back until I heard his voice again.

"Hell nah, I ain't tell you to leave. We got shit to do today." He said as I turned back around to face him. Fucking great.

"You're going to begin training." He said as I tilted my head in confusion. I pointed to my mouth to talk. He nodded.

"What training? And when?" I asked as he smiled.

Break Of Dawn | Jahseh Onfroy | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now