Chapter 16

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I quickly woke back up as I pulled the long glass piece from my chest. I looked over to my side seeing Stokeley up against the tree getting choked. I flashed towards him as I pushed the mysterious girl on the floor.

She snapped her head towards me as she hissed. As I looked down my eyes locked on a blood smeared London. Her eyes flashed a purple as her fangs stuck out from her mouth. Someone broke a law.

I stepped back as she stood up. She laughed darkly as she walked towards me with a smirk. I looked over to Stokeley that had a look of shock over his face. Changing a Bambelic witch into a vampire was equal to imprinting on one. It was not allowed.

"London, you need blood." I said as she continued to hiss at me.

"You're not you when you're hungry." Stokeley mumbled as he chuckled a little. He can never take shit serious.

Fire fueled from her hands as she smirked. She raised them as me as she screamed. Stokeley quickly pushed me out of the way.

"The house NOW!" He yelled as we both ran off into the woods. I guess we forgot she was a vampire because her ass was right behind us.

Stokeley stopped as he put his foot out tripping her. He laughed as he continued to run with me. I gave him a death stare as he rolled his eyes.

Soon enough we reached the house as we quickly ran in locking the door. I ran to our safe putting the password in. I took out a control that put the house on lockdown. I clicked the button as I watched each window barricade with steel coverings. The house became dark as I turned on the kitchens light.

"Wasn't that a coincidence." Stokeley said as he sat on the kitchen stool.

"Stokeley we need to go out there and get her. We both know how it feels to be a newborn." I said as he scrunched his face.

"No, London's on some different shit." He said as he looked back down as if he was thinking.

"Talking about newborns.. where was the baby? Her stomach was pudgy but definitely didn't have a baby in it." He said as I thought as well.

"How long has it been since she left?" I asked him as he counted in his head.

"About a month." He said as I palmed my head.

"She already gave birth, by the look of it she just did." I said as he formed a "O" shape with his mouth.

"She probably ran away because she's in no condition to take care of her." I added as we heard bangs on all of the windows. Me and Stokeley flinched as we circled around but no one was in the house.

"You guys think you can hide?" London said as her voice echoed throughout the house. She chuckled deeply as me and Stokeley look at each other.

"Oh hell nah." We said in sync.

Before I knew it all of the windows busted opened as the glass shattered flying everywhere. London came in through a window as she walked towards us.

Her body was now covered in blood. She raised her hands as all the knives in the kitchen floated in the air. Before she could do anything with it she dropped to the floor in paralyzation.

"HURRY!" Stokeley yelled as his red eyes concentrated on her.

I quickly ran over to London as I grabbed her wrapping my arms around her. She yelled as she squirmed.

I bit my wrist as I brought it to her mouth. She drank from it rapidly as she held onto my arm. My blood was strong so she would get everything she needed.

She let go as she dropped to the floor in exhaustion. Her eyes slowing changed back to brown as she started to look around.

"H-how did I get here?!" She yelled in confusion as she stood up. She looked down at her stomach as she lightly laid her hands on it.

"Where's Royalty?!" She yelled again as she looked at me. My body started to get hot like it did in class. She doesn't want to be around me.

"You came here London. I don't know where she is." I said to her as she started to cry.

"Please get me back to her." She said as she sobbed.

"I don't know how you even left." I said as I palmed my head. I never knew where she stayed. All I knew was that the atmosphere was so strong that I couldn't track her.

"We'll get to her, I promise." I said as she looked at me with a death stare.

"No, I will." She said as she flashed upstairs. Seeing her run like us felt weird.

"I told you she was going to go full Carrie on us one day." Stokeley said as I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

After about 2 minutes she came back downstairs with different clothes on and no blood on her at all. She carried a duffle bag full of money as she looked at me.

"Me or my daughter no longer exist in your life." She said as she flashed through the door. I've never saw this type of London, but I don't blame her.

She doesn't have to exist in my life but my daughter will.


Break Of Dawn | Jahseh Onfroy | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now