Chapter 10

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Vote... Whore. 😚


                          1 month later

"You think we should move?" Stokeley asked as I plopped on the couch. We were currently talking about a vampire we saw around that we were familiar with. He used to work with us to spy on people, which wasn't a good sign considering I'm in love with a Bambelic witch.

"Fuck no. We built this, nobody's going to push us out without a war." I said as he nodded.

"I know you want to keep London safe. But she has to get trained, she's going to need to know what she's capable of. What if she's out one day and someone approaches her?" Stokeley said as I scuffed.

"We'll protect her." I said as Stokeley rolled his eyes.

"We won't be with her every second of the day." He said. I shrugged as I sunk in the couch.

"Okay, if you don't, I will." He said getting up from the couch walking down a hallway. I sighed as I walked into the kitchen.

"JAHSEH!" I heard London scream in the distance. My head snapped towards the direction as I quickly ran to see what was wrong. London clutched her stomach as she cried. I quickly ran to her side as she leaned on me.

"Baby, what's happening?" I worriedly replied as she cried even more.

"My stomach." She said pausing. "It's burning." 

"Come here." I said to her as I walked over to the bed. I laid her down as she clutched the pillow in pain.

I pulled her shirt up as I put my hands on her burning hot stomach. I felt around as I concentrated on her body.

"Fuck." I said as my eyes locked on what was wrong. She looked at me with a confused face.

"You're pregnant." I said as her face turned to shock. Her face quickly turned to pain as she screamed.

"BABY WHY IS IT BURNING?!" She yelled as I quickly ran to our freezer and quickly ran back with ice cubes. I laid them on her stomach as the bag made a sizzling sound. She breathed heavily in relief.

"The baby's a Càvien. It's burning you from the inside out." I explained as she started to cry again.

"Don't look at it as a burden. It's burning you like you burned me when you didn't want me touching you. Stay calm and surround it with love." I said as she nodded. I took the bag off of her as she held her stomach.

"It feels better." She said as I clutched my chest letting out a breath.

"I need to know now, do you want to keep it?" I said as she looked down at her stomach and back up to me.

"No, I'm not ready." She said as I nodded. I respected her decision. She's still 17. Also, I wouldn't want to worry about something burning inside of me for months.

"Me and Stokeley will contact some people." I said as he got up from kneeling.

"Stay here." I said as I kissed her walking out of the room.

"Main room now." I teleported to Stokeley.

"ALREADY HERE BITCH!" I heard him yell from downstairs as I laughed.

I quickly walked down seeing him sipping from his bag watching some TV.

"We have a problem." I said as he rolled his eyes.

"When do we not?" He laughed as he took another sip.

"London's pregnant." I said as he spit all of the blood out.

"Huh?" He said as he looked at me with blood dripping down his lip. I nodded as he wiped it.

"Some fucking day you're going to have to be greeted with condoms." He said shaking his head as I rolled my eyes.

"You too pussy." I said as I pushed his arm getting a laugh in response.

"The reason I need you is because she's not keeping it. I'm a Càvien, so my child is too. It's burning her." I said as he scrunched his face up.

"Like... from the inside? Sizzling and shit?" He question as I nodded. He felt his stomach as he winced.

"Damnnnn. I felt that." He said as he rubbed his stomach. I laughed trying to get back on topic.

"Can you just shut the fuck up and listen nigga? Damn." I said as he sipped from his blood bag battering his eyes. I can't stand him sometimes.

"We have to find a witch to abort it, she can't go to a regular hospital." I said as his face turned into a frown.

"Here you go again.. If anyone finds out about this you'll be executed. Stop being blind to the fact that this is highly forbidden. If anyone knows about this they are going to snitch their ass off." He said as I sighed nodding.

"Wouldn't we need a Bambelic anyway?" He said again as I covered my face with my hand.

"Fuck, I forgot." I said as he laughed.

"Yeah.. you're shit out of luck." He laughed as I smacked his blood bag out of his hand.

"CAN YOU FOCUS?!" I yelled as he shuffled in his seat. London's at risk and noting was being taken seriously.

"That was unnecessary." He said as he crossed his arms.

"How about her mom? London's full Bambelic, her mom has to be too." He said as I thought to myself.

"She's most likely not trained." I said. Stokeley then squinted his eyes as if he thought of something.

"What ever happened to her nasty ass dad?" He questioned as I reminisced on killing him.

"Oh, he's dead." I said as Stokeley nodded.

"She's going to have to do it herself." He said as I immediately scrunched my face up.

"Why the fuck would she want to abort her own baby?" I said in disgust as he shrugged.

"Maybe because nobody's going to bring they ass over here to do it for her." He said as he chuckled a little.

"We can teach her mom the spell and kill her after?" I said as he nodded. 

"That'll work." He said as I began to watch the TV as well. London won't care.

I'm upset. Now that Jahseh is dead everyone wants to hop on his flow without giving him credit. Literally nobody was on that scream-rap shit but him, but since he died niggas think it okay to dick eat.

If you don't know what I'm talking about just go listen to "Imdontai, mood swings :): ".

I love Dontai but it's literally X's flow. I'm waiting on him to admit to it.

So does Ski.



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