Chapter 29

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Jahseh walked towards me as I fought to get out of the medal chains. Of course nothing worked. I looked at Royalty as she looked at me with pain in her face.

"Mama? U okway?" She said with sadness as I let another tear fall.

"Mommy's okay, just close your eyes okay? Don't open them no matter what you hear." I said as she nodded closing her eyes.

The guy tried to open her eyes as me and Jahseh both charged at him. The guy immediately stopped as Jahseh brought his attention back to me.

"Jahseh, why are you doing this?" I said as he lifted the knife. My eyes filled with tears at the sight of him doing such a thing.

"I'm sorry baby" He transferred into my head.

My eyes widened and I was stabbed repeatedly in the stomach. I let out piercing screams as I started to cough up blood. Jahseh looked me in the eye as he cried as well.

"MOMMY!" Royalty screamed while covering her eyes with her hands.

"ITS OKAY DON'T LOOK!" I screamed.

He finally stopped as he gave me a fake smile, like someone was watching.

I felt my body get slow and my eyes. He walked over to a camera as he looked straight at it dropping the knife.

"The child." A deep voice said as it echoed throughout the room. Jahseh looked down as he picked up the knife.

"J-jah.. no." I said not being able to scream anymore. I was losing my energy by the second. He continued to walk over to her as I just watched.. I couldn't do anything.

Then I thought of something.

"Roy, open your eyes!" I yelled with the little energy I had. She opened her eyes as she started to cry at the sight of me. She looked over at Jahseh as she cried.

"Dada get mommyyy." She sobbed as Jahseh stopped in his traces. He dropped the knife as she continued to cry.

He sped ran to all of the cameras breaking each one.

He took Royalty from the guys hands as he used his other hands force cracking his neck. The guy fell to the ground as he then rushed towards me. He let Royalty down as she walked around.

"X, We can not see. What's happening?" The deep voice said as Royalty yelled.

"LEAVE MY MOMMY ALONE!" She yelled as Jahseh went towards her but she smacked his hand. Her face got red and more red as she than hopped turning into a wolf just like Jahseh.

"Oh my god." I said as Jahseh looked in shock.

"Roy, change back!" Jahseh said as she growled at him.

She was about my height in wolf form. Me and Jahseh never thought she would establish that side.

"Baby, change back, I'm fine." I told her as her dog form whined. She slowly turned back as she fell to the floor. At this point I didn't know how I was still breathing.

"Phena alauto." Jahseh said as he glided his hands over me.

He repeated it as my wounds slowly went back in contact. I winced at the pain I was enduring. Soon enough I was healed and Jahseh broke me out of the cuffs, all of my power came back as I felt stronger than ever.

"I'm- I'm sorry, they made me do all of it. I-i never wanted to hurt you I promi-"

"Baby, it's okay." I told him as he fell on my chest in a sob.

"Jahseh we have to go, now." I told him as he looked up at me slowly. He shook his head in sorrow as I gave him a frown.

"They're coming to kill me. You and Royalty need to go." He told me as I shook my head rapidly.

"No, no, no Jah you're coming with us. Please." I begged as I held onto him. Tears ran down our faces as we held each other tightly.

"Stokeley's going to pull up any minute. There's money worth a life time in the van, fly out of country and never come back. Make sure Royalty doesn't forget me London." He told me as I cried harder.

"Jahseh, NO!" I yelled as he held my face.

"I love you so much London. You gave me a life I could've never imagined, you gave me a daughter that I'll love forever no matter what. You gave me a reason to live." He said as he wiped his tears.

"But this is my end." He said as I just cried.

"I can't live without you, I can't Jah, I won't." I cried as he rubbed my hair.

"You can, and you will." He said kissing my forehead.

"Stokeley will protect you and Roy at all cost." He said as I sobbed. Royalty walked over as she rubbed her eyes.

"Dada can we gwo? Me tired." She said as he laughed. He picked her up as she looked at him.

"And you my princess, I love you too. Watch out for mommy okay? She needs you." He said as she nodded.

"I luh u more dada." She said as he smiled. Jahseh looked off as he quickly handed me Royalty.

"Stokeley's here." He said as I nodded.

"Go through that window London. When you get in that car don't look back. I'll be in your heart forever." He said as he kissed me passionately knowing this is the last time I'll ever see him again.

"Take care of my daughter." He said as I held her in my arms closer.

"I love you." I told him as he weakly smiled.

"Eternity?" He questioned me as I gave him a assuring smile trying not to cry.

"Eternity." I said as people started to bang on the door.

He mouthed "Go."

My eyes flashed a purple as I felt my fangs come out. I sped ran towards the window as I held Royalty close in my arms. We crashed out of the window as the glass busted flying everywhere.

I managed to land on my feet as I ran around the large building. Stokeley beeped his van as I quickly ran towards it. I opened the back door putting Royalty in as I got into the front. Screams filled the building as me and Stokeley zoomed off.

My neck started to endure intense pain as I screamed. Stokeley swerved the car a little as he looked at me.

"W-whats wrong?" He asked as I pointed to my neck in pain. He stopped the car pulling over. He grabbed my neck as he searched it. His face weakened as he started to cry.

"No." He mumbled as I grew confused. I pulled down the mirror as I looked on my neck.

"Stokeley, where's the marking?!" I yelled as he started the car holding back his tears.

"WHERE IS IT?!" I screamed as he let some tears fall.

"Don't worry about it London. We'll be fine." He said as his voice broke.

He was wrong, I'll never be fine without him. I'll look for you Jahseh, I promise. Everyday from when I wake up and until the Break Of Dawn.


Break Of Dawn | Jahseh Onfroy | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now