21. The Leavetaking

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Thor was already there when Loki entered their father's bedchamber. He had set Gungnir on the bed beside Odin. As for himself, Thor was the image of a penitent son. He was on his knees on the ground, his head bent low as he spoke to his father. Loki shut the door with more force than was necessary to make sure Thor was aware of his presence, then slowly approached the ornate bed.

Thor lifted his head and tracked Loki's steps. 'He grows thin. The muscle's wasting away beneath his skin.'

'I think that's common in comatose patients,' Loki replied. 'He will recover his strength when he wakes.'

His brother nodded, although Loki's answer plainly left him unsatisfied. He peered at their father's unmoving face for a long moment, then rose to his feet.

'Were you looking for mother?' he asked.

'No, I wanted to see father one more time. I hoped that after seeing him, I'd find some clarity and I'd know what to say when I came to see you.'

Thor frowned. 'What don't I know?'

'I'm leaving Asgard,' Loki said.

'If this is because of Agnar and Tyr, don't. That's all in the past, I assure you. They'll rot in their cells until the end of their days. Everyone else involved will be demoted or punished according to their crimes. It might take time, but the king's justice will be done. You -'

Loki threw up his hand to silence his brother. 'I appreciate that and you have my full confidence in you on this, but it's not because of them. This is a trip I need to make for my own sake. For both our sakes, in the long term.'

'For both our sakes?' Thor reached for Gungnir and scooped the spear up. 'What are you talking about? I need you here, by my side.'

Loki bit back a wince as his mind cast back to their father's vision for him. Odin's fears for Thor's rule had become reality. With Odin lost to his sleep and the majority of the council in cells awaiting the king's judgement, Thor was desperately short of good counsel. Odin had been right then and Thor was right now - Loki's place was by his brother.

And he longed to stay and help Thor. And to gloat to Tyr and Agnar's faces. But the universe demanded a higher loyalty. Now that he had triaged the situation on Asgard, it was time to go.

'I've made up my mind,' Loki said. 'Mother will help you and father will awaken.'

I can only hope the previous weeks taught you something, brother.

Thor took a step back, a strange expression on his face. 'How can we be certain of that?'

It wasn't a matter of certainty; there hadn't been any frost giant arrow in the first timeline. More chilling - the last time Odin died, Asgard had all but perished with him. Loki didn't dare contemplate that, not when so much else had gone awry.

He sighed and slipped his hands around his father's cold palm. 'He's the Allfather. It'll take more than one poisoned arrow tip to kill him.'

'I pray you're right.'

'You'll see.' Loki offered his brother a smile and pressed his hands over Odin's, hoping to share some of his warmth with his father. 'So, I'll leave tonight, once I've bad mother farewell. You'll pass a message through Heimdall once you have good news about father, won't you?'

'No. You can't leave.' Thor pushed himself up to his feet. 'I need you here and so does mother.'

'I can't leave?'

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