54. King of Asgard

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He lay there for what seemed like a long time, but wasn't at all sure of how long had passed. His eyes stung, every bone, muscle and tendon in his body hurt. He flung the sceptre away with as much force as he could manage, which wasn't much at all. Slowly, he crawled out of the puddle and after two failed attempts, managed to get up on his feet.

'Is Thanos dead?' someone asked in a shaky voice.

Loki didn't bother to try to find out who the speaker was, nor, frankly, did he care for the answer to the question posed. He staggered through the courtyard, tripping over the bodies of the Outriders, the Tanaj and the various species Thanos had recruited as mercenaries. There were some amid the countless corpses who still lived, they moved with as much coordination as Loki. He didn't care to dwell on them either. Only one thing still mattered.

After far too long a search, Loki finally found his brother lying face down, his entire body quivering every time he managed to take a breath.


Receiving no reply, Loki gently pushed Thor onto his back. He wasn't gentle enough; Thor moaned in protest. Some of his armour had been torn away, revealing large patches of charred flesh beneath. His cuirass had proved strong enough to remain in place, but its component pieces were utterly mangled and gouged deep into Thor's torso. His entire right arm was blackened. The smell of the burns left Loki's stomach churning. He tried not to show it, but Thor seemed to see right through the facade - with an abrupt cough, he closed his eyes and sighed.

'It'll be all right,' Loki mumbled. 'A few moments more and you'll be all right.'

He stretched his hand over Thor's solar plexus, trying to ignore the volume of blood spurting out of Thor's wounds. Loki knew every healing spell worth knowing. Between Thor, Sif and the Warriors Three, he'd had plenty of practice too, but he had never had to contend with something like this. Loki reached into his magic reserves and to his alarm, found them very much wanting. He pressed on anyway.

As the spell began to weave through the damage, Thor gasped and his eyes shot open. He threw up his left hand and after fumbling twice, caught Loki's wrist. 'W-what're you doin'?' he asked, every word forced out with great effort.

'Healing you, what am I supposed to be doing?' Loki wrapped his free hand over Thor's. His skin was cold as ice, but when Loki tried to pry Thor's hand off his wrist, Thor only clung on more fervently. 'Let me work, you fool.'


Loki gritted his teeth and wrenched his wrist out of Thor's grasp. 'Don't be ridiculous. You and I've both seen worse.'

'Mjol-Mjolnir.' Blood dribbled out of the corner of Thor's mouth as he spoke.

All warmth fled Loki's body. There was only one reason for Thor to be asking for his hammer right now. On the other hand, Thor had never possessed the sharpest of minds. Loki pursed his lips and resumed his spell-work, only for Thor to attempt to swipe Loki's hands away.

'Loki.' Rogers' hand rested on Loki's shoulder. He pulled away, but Rogers was actually more interested in Thor than Loki. Rogers gently set Mjolnir's hammer into Thor's left hand, muttering something in a soothing tone as he did so.

The hammer's head had suffered as much damage as its bearer had - a good quarter of it was missing and deep cracks ran through what remained. Seemingly oblivious to the hammer's condition, Thor wrapped his trembling fingers around the handle. Strangled coughs overcame him, but although his whole body shook with what had to be excruciating pain, his face remained calm.

'Don't even think it, Thor,' Loki muttered, reaching for his magic once more. 'You're staying here with me, you understand?'

Thor made a reply but the only word Loki could make out was the one word Loki wanted to hear least. Loki swore, cursed the Norns, the Allfathers, everyone and everything he could think of. He achieved nothing, of course, save expending energy he didn't have to spare. Blood seeped out of Thor's mouth, rolled down his chin and dripped down onto his neck.

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