29. Infinity Stones

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Loki prodded. While his body and mind recovered, the injury to his magic lingered. Every time he reached for it, his sole permanent companion, it was as if he poked at a mangled limb and every touch threated to reopen the countless lacerations. It might have been more prudent to wait until later in his recovery, but he needed to be sure exactly what Thanos had seen before the uncertainty drove him mad. Besides, prudence had never been Loki's strength.

He lost track of time, aware only that his eyes had begun to water from the pain, but in the end he found the fortified bunker he had constructed around his more sensitive memories. Loki followed the line of the outer wall all along the perimeter. Unbreached. No evidence of damage either. If Thanos had noticed its existence, he must have assumed it was a natural construct of Loki's mind.

Grinning with relief, Loki opened his eyes and uncrossed his legs. Lies within lies. Believing he had uncovered Loki's falsehoods, Thanos shouldn't have reason to dig deeper. After all, how many people came to him with more than one cover story? Loki slid back until he was flat on his bed once more and despite the lingering pain, savoured the moment. It had been a long time since he had cause to be so pleased with himself.

He didn't have a chance to enjoy the moment for long, however. There was a knock, then the door slid open. Nebula leaned against the door-frame.

'You're in a good mood,' she said as Loki sat back up.

'I feel better,' he replied. 'And I'm glad you are here. I wasn't really up to thinking much last time you came to see me. You'd like some explanation from me, right? You've been more honest with me than I with you.'

Nebula froze for a moment, then shut the door to the room and walked over to the end of Loki's bed. 'Yes, rather so. Here I was thinking you were fleeing some petty tribal violence among your species, but it's all much grander. You didn't even grow up on Jotunheim. Didn't you —'

'It's not you, Nebula.' Loki cut in. He threw up his hand in an effort to get a few more words in. 'Please don't think this was a personal slight. It's just not a story I like to share. How many people would respond positively when I tell them I tried to destroy my home planet?'

'What about Baugi? I hear that's not your name either.'

Loki sighed, his good cheer utterly deflated. 'I borrowed the name from a friend. Well, we didn't know each other particularly well, so maybe "friend" is an over-statement. I help him once and he helped me out of a tight spot in return. You can keep calling me Baugi if you like.'

'I don't think so. Loki suits you better — more appropriately slippery somehow,' Nebula replied. Loki wasn't sure if it was meant to be a jibe at him or not, but Nebula made it sound like one. However, she then seemed to collect herself and went on in a milder tone. 'Now isn't the time for a long conversation about this. I came because my father wanted you to join us for the midday meal if you were feeling up to it. Will you?'

Were Thanos or any of his other children present, Loki would have gushed about the honour to receive such an invitation. With Nebula, he didn't trouble himself.

'It's not the kind of invitation you refuse, is it?' Loki climbed out of bed and reached for his shoes. 'Not unless you are nine-tenths of the way to dead already.'

After two days, he no longer needed to hold onto a wall to feel secure, so they moved at a steady pace through the corridors of the Palisade. There was little said. Nebula had reverted to the reserved woman Loki had encountered during their first few days of training together.

'How angry are you with me?' Loki said. Sometimes you just had to force the issue and get the aftermath dealt with.

Nebula motioned for him to take a left turn, then shrugged. 'I'm not really. You're right, your story isn't the sort of thing you blurt out to a stranger. It's just I told you how I ended up here and you... Look, I don't know, maybe I am somewhat angry. Would you've told me the full story eventually?'

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