16. Laufeyson

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A/N: Since it's Christmas Day tomorrow, I'm putting up this chapter early. I hope you guys enjoy this one. And to everyone celebrating -- Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Loki's foot slipped sideways. He crumpled onto the water-soaked dirt, rolling twice before the momentum from his leap through the portal was exhausted.

'Close the portal,' Baugi hissed into Loki's ear as he pulled Loki to his feet.

Yes, obviously.

Loki flung out his hands. Tossing aside the care he had taken in creating the portal, he worked through the spell as quickly as he physically could and then pooled the sum of his magic at the pulsing opening between the realms. To his satisfaction, the portal blinked shut.

Less satisfactory, his knees shook and acid rushed into his mouth - an ominous warning about the consequences of over-exertion.

'Baugi, I need a minute.'

The frost giant grabbed Loki's shoulder, his grip sure to leave finger-shaped bruises across Loki's skin. 'Keep your sword at the ready.'

Loki followed the line of Baugi's gaze and groaned. The easiest way to manage a hostile intrusion was to prevent it happening and Tyr wasn't a total dullard. He had left a formidable group of Einherjar guarding the portal from this side. A trio of low-ranked soldiers, probably watch-keepers, were already advancing towards Loki and Baugi, and more men were emerging from the Asgardian camp sprawled across the field to the east.

'Good morning,' Loki said in the most cordial tone he could manage.

'Identify yourself! What's your business here?' one of the watch-keepers shot back. 'What's the frost gi -'

'It's the traitor!' the man next to him shouted.

Baugi broke into a sprint, half-dragging Loki after him and fled south into the thick forest. The snow was melting, water dripped from the branches above and the ground underfoot was a foul, brown muck. With every step, Loki's feet seemed to sink deeper. This trek would have been hard work even if he hadn't been exhausted already.

'Keep up!' Baugi barked out. 'Can't you hear them?'

Loki didn't have a breath to spare for a reply, but he certainly heard the Einherjari soldiers and the arrows they sent after them. The situation seemed unwinnable. Even if Baugi and Loki were to move swiftly enough for the Asgardians to lose sight of them, the soldiers would follow their tracks. With the mud on the ground, each step was so clear, a blind man would find them with ease.

Perhaps it'd be better to get caught, recuperate and escape later?

No, the first thing they'll do is take us back to Asgard.

Baugi grabbed Loki's shirt front. 'Move your bloody feet!'

'Trying!' Loki spat back. 'You realise I'm shor -'

Baugi leaped forward, pulling Loki after him. For a long moment there was no ground beneath them, then they landed into an ice-cold creek. Loki gulped for air. The creek-bed was rocky and the water temperature stole what little there had been left in his lungs. Baugi, however, wasn't about to indulge Loki. Once more, he dragged him to his feet.

They followed the creek down the deep ravine that years of snow-melt and landslides had gouged into the hill. Men shouted to each other above and behind them. Baugi's strategy didn't seem particularly intelligent. The Einherjar could follow them along the edge ravine and pick them off with their bows.

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