Cecilia woke up the next morning hungover and way too warm. She realized that the source of her awakening was something ringing from the floor somewhere. There was a groan from the other side of the bed then, "Ceel, can you answer that? It's probably my little brother." She picked the vibrating phone up, "Hello?" She had a short conversation, then hung up. She rolled over to face her bedmate, "What the hell are you doing here? More importantly, in my bed?" He groaned again, "Honey, I'm home?" She stormed out of the room without her glasses and tripped over some toys. "Oh Cece, what are we going to do with you?" Alex said picking the small dark-haired girl off the floor and slipping her huge black frames on. Cecilia ran to the bathroom and hurled as Alex rubbed her back. "So, Annie's a skank, huh?" he asked grinning. Cecilia just nodded. "Yeah, I get that now. Turns out she had a boyfriend waiting at home. Got my sorry ass kicked," Alex told her with a grimace. Cecilia tried to laugh, but just vomited again. "Wow, you got hammered didn't you?" Alex asked her with a laugh. "Moni likes strong liquor," she told him between heaves. Just then Aunt Bobby walked in, "Is there something we need to know?" "Underage drinking is a sin Aunt Roberta!" Cecilia sobbed, then vomited again. "Al! Go get the Advil!" Aunt Bobby yelled down the hall. "Now, you two go put some clothes on." Alex looked down, "Are you wearing my boxers?" Cecilia glances at her own clothes, "I guess, so this is my bra, oh my god!" She burst out laughing. "What? What?" Alex asked Cecilia, and then her aunt. "Y-you have m-my underwear o-on!" Cecilia stuttered through her laughter. Aunt Bobby gasped and covered her laughter with a hand. "I'm goin' to brush my teeth now. I'm done throwing up," Cecilia said smiling weakly. "I'm going back to bed, don't make too much noise," Aunt Bobby said walking away. "I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere," Alex said rushing out. He came back minutes later all changed, "Okay cupcake, let's go back to bed." He scooped her up and carried her back to her room.
Not so Natural
RomanceCecilia and Cassadee are sisters who run a hunting supply shop. Cecilia is the carer of four little boys. Their lives changed when they meet two brothers named Alex and Daniel. Will it be for the best or make their lives worse? Read to see! (COMPLET...