Chapter 1

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"Chanyeol please tell me your coming to my wedding you have been in Japan for so long, I need my little brother there" yoora pleads down the phone with her near crying

"I'm coming of course I am" I scratch the nape of my neck as we finally finish our phone call

Falling onto my sofa laying my head back as I remove my glasses and let them fall on the cushion beside me while rubbing the bridge of my nose.

"How the hell can I go to my sister's wedding without a date, I moved here to japan to get away from the hurt of my fiance leaving me at the altar and everyone pitying me, now he is the bloody best man at her wedding, how will I find a date within a month that will travel to Seoul with me and pretend to be my boyfriend and lie that I have this amazing life here" I sigh more till I remember I was supposed to meet my friend Heechul at the little cafe down the street from my apartment

"Shit he is gonna kill me" I grab my glasses putting them on while checking my watch "shit I'm so dead, wait if Heechul kills me I won't need a date for the wedding, oh no snap out of it" I scold myself as I get up from the sofa nearly tripping over my own feet, yeah I'm clumsy like that. I pull on my runners and grab my coat wallet and keys and head out the door .

Taking the stairs down two at a time I rush out the main door of the building and run as fast as I can to the corner of the street where I told Heechul I would meet him for coffee as he wants to fill me in on this article in his magazine he writes for that seems to have been a big seller.

Reaching the coffee shop I can see him through the window looking at his watch as I quickly rush inside nearly knocking a waitress over "I'm sorry" I apologise to her before sitting my ass on the chair in front of my friend

"Chanyeol you live up the street how are you late" he asks with an angry tone

"Sorry...." I try to talk but nothing comes out as I try catch my breath

"Your lucky I love you, I'll order us our drinks" he stands up and heads towards the counter as I spot the magazine he works for open on a big spread, so I start to read it

"Hey I wanted to show you that" he says making me jump and look away from it as he sits down passing me my coffee

"Who is it?" I sip my coffee as he turns the magazine back around to face him

"He is the most hottest guy I have ever seen Yeol, he is a....." he quickly looks around before finishing his sentence "escort" then blushes like crazy giggling

"There is no picture" I question him as he keeps looking over the magazine

"I know he wanted to keep that side of him private only for his clients, but damn Yeol if you had seen him I nearly passed out when he shook my hand. I mean he is just sex on legs" he blushes while fanning himself with an invisible fan making me laugh

"He was really that nice looking?" I ask him with a questionable look

"Yeol put it this way, I wouldn't kick him out of bed for eating crackers" he smiles while looking around

"What does that even mean Heechul?" I laugh back at him

"You know, it's a phrase for someone your wouldn't kick out of bed for any bad habits"

I still look at him confused but decide to let him continue

"Ever since we published the story/ interview our company has been getting thousands of calls a day looking for this guys number plus we had to make more copies as they are selling out fast" he places his hands behind his head laying back a little all proud of himself

"So what's the big deal, he is a escort, so what" I look away as he grabs my chin and moves my face to look at him

"No big deal, this guy is like a god, he ooozes sex when he talks to you, he does things that make you wanna throw your clothes at him" he starts waving his hands around as people in the coffee shop start to look at us

"Heechul people are looking at us" I whisper putting my head down with embarrassment.

"Oh yeol don't be so shy all your life live a little, read about the ESCORT" he shouts out the last word making me drop my head into the table and beg for the floor to open up and swallow me

"Kill me now someone just kill me now"

"Oh yeol if I wasn't taken I would sell my granny so I could pay for him to spend one night with me" he says ever so drama queen like

"Heechul that's an awful thing to say" I try not to laugh as I fix my glasses

"Aww you know I love my granny really,.... no really don't ever tell her I said that, listen anyway I gotta get back to work, let's meet up tonight at the club and we can celebrate my pay rise" he stands up hugging me as he dances out the door making me and the others in the coffee place laugh

"He had a bit too much caffeine" I say to one person who keeps staring at me as I quickly stand up and take the magazine before leaving the shop.

Reaching my apartment I slip off my shoes and hang up my coat while sitting on the sofa I fit my glasses and turn the page to the escort interview and start to read it

"I always try to make my clients feel relaxed........"

" I want them to have a great time when away from their partners or boyfriends or girlfriends and just be in good company......."

Wait he must be bisexual then, I continue to read

"Sex will be discussed with clients of course, it doesn't have to happen sometimes it's just meeting for a drink or to go with on business trips......"

"I wonder if he could.....No don't be silly chanyeol you couldn't afford him......but maybe if I dip into my savings I can .... Oh god what am I thinking". I throw the magazine on the table and remove my glasses playing with them as my mind drifts off to what if ....

Maybe if I get his number off Heechul I could maybe ask him to come to my sisters wedding

Oh chanyeol don't be silly, how could you afford a guy like that, and who in their right mind would pay anyone to be their date I scold myself .....

Actually .....

Me I would .....


I didn't want to post this yet but since people are pushing for it I decided to post it.

Tell me what you think


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