Special Chapter

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I haven't seen this anywhere else so please be nice with comments

"Baekhyun I don't know why we had to drive the sports car all the way to my parents house we could have got a larger one that I can fit in", Chanyeol moans as his long legs are bent and his knees are hitting the dashboard of the car.

"It's not my fault sweetheart, your father had it waiting at the airport for us we couldn't say no" Baekhyun turns to look at Chanyeol huffing and looking out the window making him smile a little at his cuteness of being angry which he seems to have gotten use to lately.

"I love you" Baekhyun reaches his hand over placing it carefully on Chanyeol's thigh giving it a tiny rub. "I'm sorry about the car baby but it was your father's choice he knows we love flash cars baby, he thought he was doing the right thing please don't be angry we are nearly there" Baekhyun reaches his hand up cupping his lovers cheek and turning his face so he can see him better while also looking at the road ahead of them now and again. "I love you baby, please smile for me, come on we are just about to surprise them with our news". Chanyeol just closes his eyes and lowers his head. "I'm being a baby ain't I" he whispers, making Baekhyun smile a little "maybe, but you're my baby and always will be now smile come on you don't want them to see you so down over a car". Baekhyun pouts, making Chanyeol smile and move closer to him kissing his cheek as they now turn onto the street where his parents live.

Since the wedding they have all become so close. Chanyeol's mother has changed her ways and unfriended a lot of her so-called friends and only kept the ones who spoke the truth to her and who guided her on the right path to get her son back. She has sent gifts and cards to Chanyeol and Baekhyun on special occasions even excepted Baekhyun as her son's boyfriend and hopes one day they will marry. She also calls them now once a month to check in after being told from her husband that calling them every day was a bit too much that if she waited till once a month they would have a lot more to talk about. So following her husband's words she now has a bond with her son she only craved before and would let nothing ever make her see him hurt again.

"We are here, are you ready to tell them our news, look there is your mum at the door looking like an excited puppy look" Baekhyun laughs as Chanyeol turns to see his mother jumping up and down on the spot all excited waving her hands in the air over the moon to see them again since the last time was at the wedding.

"That woman is going to flip, she is bouncing like some crazy woman now. Can you imagine what she will be like when we tell her" Chanyeol turns to face Baekhyun who is smiling ear to ear. "I can't wait '' Baekhyun takes Chanyeol's hand in his squeezing it before leaning over and giving him a soft kiss on the lips. "Let's go" Baekhyun says as he climbs out of the car no problem being so small as he hurries around the other side of the car opening the door for his lover.

"I hate these very tiny cars" Chanyeol struggles with his belt trying to un clip it but it's stuck making Baekhyun smile and reach in to help. "This car will be the death of me. They only make them for small people not tall people and look how close to the ground we are, will I just roll out and land on the ground?".

"Chanyeol, Baekhyun" an excited voice shouts making Baekhyun turn to see his future mother in law bouncing on the one spot while being held back by his father in law. " I can't believe they are here" she cries out, making Baekhyun smile at Chanyeol struggling to get out of the car still getting his legs caught.

"Just get out and stop moaning" Baekhyun rubs his expanding belly fixing his larger than large hoodie before turning around and walking up the driveway to the house. "Oh my dear Baekhyun you look amazing, how are you dear, omg come here" Mrs Park reaches her arms out as Baekhyun hugs her tight. "It's so nice to see you both back" she pulls away from their hug wiping happy years from her eyes as she feels a comforting hand on her shoulder from her husband making her relax. "What is my son doing?" she looks past Baekhyun to see the car better and Chanyeol is still huffing inside it as he gets one leg out followed by the other before pulling himself out of the car by holding the roof just over his head.

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