Chapter 10

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"No Chanyeol we need to talk"

"Baekhyun what's wrong? and why is D.O driving like he just stole his own car" he looks so pissed off drinking from his water bottle and looking at me like he just got told someone had died.

"Lets talk about it later, we have to go back to your mums for late evening drinks, also I really need a shower" Baekhyun throws his empty bottle in the bin near to us and turns to get in the car leaving me to stand there guessing what the hell I just missed. I quickly get in the car as he starts the engine. He is more quiet then usual which surprises me because since I first met him he would always be the first one to start talking. I turn to face him as he leans one arm on the window while running his hand through his hair while holding the wheel with the other hand. 

"Ok something has clearly happened Baekhyun, please tell me what it is" I lean my head to the side hoping he answers me. He turns to look at me with a sad expression on his face and I begin to feel really nervous all of a sudden.

"I will tell you later" he smiles trying to brush my question off and turns on the radio letting the music fill the car. I decide enough is enough and I turn it off " Baekhyun I pay you so you might as well  tell me what's going on" I all of a sudden regret saying that the way I did and he turns his head that fast around to look at me he nearly gives himself whiplash.

"That was a low blow but I guess you are right" he laughs a fake laugh and pulls the car over into what looks like a car park of a Coffee place. I watch and wait eagerly for him to tell me as he leans his elbows on the wheel  and rubs his hands over his face taking a deep breath.

"D.O asked me to try get away and meet him for some private time and drinks" he blurts out as I feel my heart pound in my chest like I have been hit straight smack bag in it . I quickly turn my head away to look out the window as I feel the tears fall down my cheeks. "what else did he say?" I try so hard to ask him without sounding like I am crying.

"Chanyeol look I'm ........." I don't let him finish as I cut him off

"Just tell me what he said Baekhyun please" I turn to face him as the tears are flowing freely now as he reaches across to me wiping the one loose tear that made it past the rim of my glasses.

"He says he saw me watching him and wants to get away for private time, he then tired to move closer to me as if you kiss me" I find it now hard to swallow as I need to ask him " did he kiss you?" I look at him as he begins to smile " No he didn't kiss me, I knew what he was up to the minute he grabbed my towel and moved closer, but chanyeol I think I know what happened and why he left you at the altar".

I look away again feeling all my emotions all come back together hitting me like a fast train. I have to remove my glasses as the tears are flowing like a water fall down my face and onto my T-shirt. "Can we just go to my parents house now please" I put my glasses back on and keep looking out the window as right now I just want to be alone.

He pulls out into traffic as the drive to my parents is quiet. We arrive and he quickly jumps out of the car to open my door as I wipe my face so no one can see I have been crying. He heads to the boot of the car grabbing our towels and hands me a baseball cap "here wear this" I thank him and put it on lowering it so no one will be able to see my eyes.

Once inside I head straight for our room as he follows close behind me closing our bedroom door. "chanyeol are you ok?" he steps closer to me as I sit on the bed removing the cap he gave me . "Not really" I sniff as my tears fall again.

"You said you think you know why he left, can you tell me please" I watch as he sits on the floor in front of me looking up with a sad expression on his face.

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