Chapter 15(edited)

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⚠️Warning ⚠️

Chanyeol P.o.v

Waking up feeling like someone is pounding my head with a jack hammer, I slowly open my eyes blinking a few times before I cover my head with the spare pillow wanting the world to just open up and swallow me whole taking me away from this nightmare I'm living in.

"You're going to be late if you don't get up now" I hear a familiar voice making me jump up and look towards the end of my bed seeing a blurry figure sitting there. Reaching for my glasses on the bedside table I slide them up my nose and look back at them. "Baekhyun ....... your.... here, am I still dreaming. " I stutter like a fool as always seeing him sitting there in the white shirt and jeans he wore the first day I met him at the café. "Yeah I'm here and your mum has made a huge breakfast for everyone". he smiles that million-dollar smile making me blush running my hand through my hair. "You came back" I try to hold back my emotions as he gets up from the bed walking to the side of it closer to me and holding out his hand. "I made a promise to be your date for your sister's wedding" I take his hand and pull back the blankets from the bed realising I'm just wearing my boxers. I begin to blush and try cover myself up as he just laughs. "I've seen you naked before Chanyeol" he pulls me up from the bed as we stand inches apart. "Baekhyun can we talk" I look down at him making him lean his head back to look right at me. "I'd like to yeah" he says while walking to the wardrobe unzipping the suit bag exposing my suit my mum ordered.

I sit back on the bed as he joins sitting in front of me. "What made you come back really?" I cautiously ask him afraid of what he will say. "I told you, I made you a promise to accompany you to your sister's wedding " he says looking straight at me like he is holding more back. "Oh....ok" I get up from the bed grabbing a t-shirt. I put both my hands inside the arms and pull it over my head feeling hands touch my chest. Stopping before my head pops through the hole I pull the t-shirt back off seeing Baek look at me all sad. "Don't put it on" he whispers softly stepping a little closer to me as he leans in looking at my lips then my eyes and back again. "Can I ......?" before I let him finish his sentence, I lean into him and kiss him dropping my t-shirt to the floor as I wrap my arms around his waist. His soft lips melt onto mine as I squeeze him tighter making him giggle into the kiss. "If you squeeze me that tight, I think I will pop" he looks up at me as I run my hand up to cup his cheek making him smile touching my hand. "You were right about D.O" I tell him as he smirks a little making me frown. "Your dad came and found me last night and told me what had happened with you both", he closes his eyes moving into my touch.

"My dad?" I begin to panic as he begins to laugh "Yeah your dad found me from the tracker on the rental car and he knows about me" he pulls away from me as I stay glued to the spot feeling like my stomach is going to fall out of my ass at any minute. "Was he mad, ...... did......did he shout?," I ask him as he sits back on the bed smiling at me. "No he wasn't mad, he just told me I need to come here and tell.... I .... I .... mean talk to you about it all" I look in shock as this is the first time  I have seen him stutter and not be the dominant looking Baekhyun from the beginning when I first met him.

"Well my dad must approve or said something right to you that he allowed you to walk through the door this morning". I sit down beside him and I can feel the tension between us it's like we both want to do more but are respecting each other's boundaries. " I guess so" he looks at me as I can't help myself by leaning closer to him kissing him as he pulls away and stands up with his hands behind his head with his back to me. "Chanyeol I'm an escort, I date other people for a living" he says with so much hurt in his voice. " Sure, I am nothing special" I tell him as I look down at my hands making him walk closer to me getting on his hunkers in front of me. "You are amazing chanyeol I have actually .... never mind" he stands up and walks away again pacing the floor. "Tell me Baekhyun please" I watch him walk up and down all nervous like never, its usually me walking up and down and being nervous but now it seems the tables have turned.

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