Chapter 6

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"I have no idea what to wear" I stand looking over the double bed with all my clothes on it, yes the four cases are all spilled all over the bed. "Chanyeol, we are just going down stairs for dinner. Wear what you feel comfortable in" Baekhyun smiles at me while fixing his white jumper sitting over his tight denim jeans.

"I'm so so nervous, what if he is here, what if ...... " I rummage through all the clothes trying to find something as I hang up the ones that I won't wear. "Stop saying what if , if he is there then we will deal with it ok now come on, your mum said it was casual anyway so put that light blue jumper on over a pair of jeans" he points towards them on the bed as I quickly grab them and head into the bathroom to put them on as I nearly walk into the door frame being so nervous  while he laughs at me.

'I can't do this, I can't face him after all these years of him leaving me at the altar, what if he brought a date or maybe has a husband, oh god I can't do this' I lean over the sink hyperventilating as I hear Baekhyun knock on the door "Chanyeol are you ok Baby?" my sister or someone must be in the room with him for him to call me that again. "I slow my breathing before I open the door after changing.

"Hey baby are you ok?" Baekhyun winks at me as my sister sits behind him on the bed. "Yes of course, sorry Yoora can you give us a minute" I look at her sad pouting face as she leaves the room in huff "Fine you too love birds will have to face us soon" she slams the door leaving.

"What's wrong, you look white as a sheet" Baekhyun moves closer to me guiding me to sit on the bed . "I can't stop panicking, my heart is racing" I look up at him as he laughs down at me. "Your not going to be able to do this at all are you?" He sits beside me on the bed with his hands on his lap. Taking my glasses off I fall back onto the bed with my glasses in my hand. "I don't think I can" I feel disappointed in myself after coming all this way and not being able to go down a few steps to have dinner.

"Ok well then I guess you are gonna miss your sister's wedding, good luck explaining that one to her" he stands up and grabs his suitcase before opening the wardrobe. "What are you doing?" I sit up looking confused at him. "No point in me being here if you're not going to the wedding" he starts to put his clothes into his suitcase.

"Wait your right, my sister will flip and I can't ruin her big day" I huff out a big sigh before putting my glasses back on. "Look just follow my lead ok, I will get you through tonight" he holds out his hand for me as I take it and stand up. " Do I look ok?" I brush down my jumper and jeans before standing up straight in front of him for him to check me. "You look great now come on" he opens the bedroom door and waits for me to step outside closing it behind us.

Walking down the hallway and down the stairs we can hear the voices of people in the Dining area as I slow down turning to look at Baekhyun. "You will be fine, now just go along with whatever I do ok and don't flinch so much when I touch you" he smiles grabbing my hand and linking our fingers together. I feel myself start to shake as he stops and looks at me laughing. "Chanyeol will you stop we can do this" he gives my hand a squeeze reaching for my glasses with his other hand he slides them back up the bridge of my nose "That's better now, lets go baby" I blush like crazy as he walks beside me pulling me in the direction of the dining room.

"Finally we have been waiting for you two love birds" Yoora jumps up from her seat running over to us and begins to link Baekhyun walking us over to the table. " oh I am so happy my family are all here under the one roof having dinner and also with their partners" my mum smiles the biggest smile I have ever seen in a long time. "Chanyeol darling I am ever so happy you have come home for your sisters wedding" she starts to cry as my dad hands her a handkerchief to wipe her tears.  " I know the last time you where home it was your wedding and we had to cancel and lose all that money"

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