Chapter 5

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The day has arrived for my trip to see my family and I have officially lost it. My stomach is having it's own party. I have packed my bags three times already.

Beep beep

I look out the window to see my taxi has arrived. I grab my bags take a deep breath and pull them down the stairs to the waiting taxi. As the driver insists on putting them in the boot of the car himself I receive a text.

Hey I'm here already are you close?

Be there shortly, you go check in I won't be long.

I quickly jump in the taxi as I tell the driver "airport please".

The closer and closer we get to the airport the worst I feel, I can't back out now. Plus baekhyun seems to think we can pull it off once I try relax more.

Arriving at the airport I pay the driver and head inside to check in my bags. Once they are checked in I pass in through security which always makes me nervous, like why pat me down like that, do I look like a guy who would have drugs concealed on me, if I had anything on me that I shouldn't it would be written all over my face. I get the all clear and head into the first class lobby, yes I went all out and booked first class. I quickly head inside to find Baekhyun.

Looking around I see him casually sitting at the window near the bar looking out at the planes taking off and landing.

"Hi" I say as he turns around to face me smiling his big smile while I sit beside him.

"You made it, I thought you might have got cold feet?" He says before  smiling again handing me a drink "here drink this, it will settle the nerves". I take the drink and sip it slowly as I sit back in the chair.

"So what is the plan for when we arrive?" I ask him as he sits so calmly while inside I'm a nervous wreak. 

"Well I have hired us a car so we just need to collect that when we land, and then we drive to your parents place" he smiles before drinking his drink as our flight gets called. 

"Ok channie let's do this" I laugh at the name he gave me as I follow him close behind as we get on the plane.


Once we arrive we head to collect our bags and he laughs at me as I try to collect my 4 bags.

"Are your serious you brought 4 bags?" He looks on in shock as I pull them one at a time off the conveyer belt while he just takes 2 off as his carry on bag is a folded suit bag.

"I...I.. couldn't decide what to bring" I feel embrassed as he just looks at me and smiles "So you decided to bring your whole wardrobe" he teases as he helps me with the last bag as we head off to get the car he hired.


Reaching the street near my parents I make him pull over the car.

"What's wrong?" He turns off the engine and turns to look at me.

"I just need to catch a breath it's the next street over" I take a few deep breathes as I start to panic more. 

"Look Chanyeol we can do this ok, I know he hurt you by doing the most awful thing in the world to you but you need to show him you have moved on in life and have forgotten him ok, plus I'll be there for you" he touches my hand giving me what I guess is comfort.

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