Chapter 12

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Chanyeols pov

As we climb out of the taxi outside the club that the bachelor party is at I feel my legs go to jelly as baekhyun grabs my hand. "Take a breath you can do this" he squeezes my hand before guiding me into the club. I watch how people stare at him and how men and women turn their heads just looking at him. I try to pull my hand away as I feel like I shouldn't be holding his hand, like I'm not worthy. He grabs hold of it tighter as we find our group standing down the back in a large corner cordoned off from others joining.

"Finally your both here" Minseok my old school friend approaches me and hugs me making baekhyun release my hand so I can hug him back.

"Chanyeol come back home we miss having you around plus we couldn't really talk at the park earlier, where have you been and how have things been for you?" I watch as he takes a breath as Lay joins us asking the same questions.

"I miss you guys too but I needed to get away from my life here, you can both understand right?" I wait to be told off but they just hug me again. "We where kinda happy you didn't marry that ass hole anyway" Lay whispers in my ear making me pulls way and look at them.

"I have missed you idiots so much" I laugh hugging them close again.

"Wanna properly introduce us to your new guy" Minseok pulls away looking towards baekhyun looking him up and down.

"Sure, guys this is my boyfriend Baekhyun, baekhyun this is Lay and Minseok you met earlier but not properly" he reaches his hands out to  shake theirs as I spot D.O out of the corner of my eye watching me.

"I reach for baekhyuns hand and smile at him he winks and goes along with me.

" Ok let's get you guys a drink you have some catching up to do" Lay walks us  over to the bar all excited and swaying  to the music. I really missed him, Lay is the type of guy who doesn't care what people think or who looks at him. When there is music on you are guaranteed to see him up dancing. To be honest I'm  surprised he has stayed still this whole time. "Ok so what are you having?"  he leans his arm on the bar waiting for me to decide while he sips what looks like a large pinky orange drink in a weirdly shaped glass and a umbrella hanging over the top.

"What are you drinking?" I ask as he spins the straw around mixing his drink.
"It's called sex on the beach, its a cocktail and its soooooo yummy, wanna try it?" he hands it to me as I look at it with puzzled eyes taking it from him "What's in it?"

"Vodka, peach schnapps, cranberry juice and orange juice" he smiles wiggling his eyebrows for me to try it so I do.

"That's so refreshing" I hand it back to him still licking my lips

"Did you like it baby, will I get you one?" Baekhyun touches my arm as he signals for the bartender to order.

"I think I will start off easy, can I just have a vodka and coke please?"  I watch him smile at me as he orders our drinks and pays for them.

"Ohhh I love this song" lay hurries to the dance floor leaving us alone at the bar.

"You look beautiful tonight Chanyeol" he smiles leaning his head to the side making me blush as I sip my drink.

"Thank you" I reply while looking away towards the others seeing D.O standing looking at lay and minseok on the dance floor.

"Do you want to go join your future brother in law or will we hold up the bar all night?" he stands in front of me looking so damn sexy with his hand out for me. I take it as he guides me over to the others sitting me down in one of the chairs as he sits on the edge.

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