Chapter 2

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"Do I really need to wear this?" I turn to face my phone as I'm on video call with Heechul.

"Yes that outfit is so much better, it shows your manly curves" He smiles down the phone. 

"I feel so uncomfortable, these jeans are so tight, I'm afraid I will split the ass of them when I bend over" I groan trying to fix my manhood in them. 

"Well don't bend over then....unless you pull some hot guy~..."

"Hey don't finish that sentence, and I'm not looking to pull anyone Heechul I'm only going to this club for you, you know clubs aren't my thing."

I slide my glasses back up the bridge of my nose as I grab a not so tight pair of black jeans and a top from the pile of clothes on my bed and hold them up so he can see them. 

"Ok ok put on whatever makes you feel comfortable and hurry up, you had your shower so just get dressed,  I'm leaving my place in 20 minutes so I will meet you there" he says before hanging up making me fall onto my bed looking at the clothes in my hand. 

I quickly get dressed into a not so tight pair of black jeans and black casual shirt, least wearing all black I won't be seen in a dark night club. I check myself one more time in the mirror before grabbing my jacket and keys and heading out the door. Half way down the stairs I realise I forgot my wallet so I hurry back up the stairs tripping as usual as I open the door and quickly grab my wallet as my phone rings.

"Heechul yeah I'm on my way.....I'm just a block away in traffic won't be long" I hang up my phone and hurry down the stairs hailing down a taxi.

Reaching the main door of the club I quickly ring Heechul and ask him to meet me outside as I hate walking into clubs by myself. 

"You're finally here, and don't you look good, come on let's find you a man~" he pulls me by the arm in through the crowd waving at nearly everyone.

"Do you know everyone here?" I shout over the music.

"I write for a magazine, I know a lot of people, now come over and meet more of my friends" we reach a table where 2 other men are sitting laughing and joking with each other.

"Hey guys this is my god friend Chanyeol, Chanyeol this is Yong
Junhyung and Jung Joon Youn. We shake hands as Heechul hands me a drink as I sit on one of the high stools at the table.

"Thanks" I take a sip as I awkwardly look around at girls and guys near dry humping each other on the dance floor making me blush so much that I'm so grateful it's dark and not many can see me.

"So guys, let's cheers to Heechul on his pay rise and his big sell out story" Junhyung shouts while holding up his glass as we all clink glasses and drink.

After loads of talking and a hell of a lot of drinking, I kinda feel light headed so I lean over and eventually get the courage to ask Heechul for the number of the escort. 

"Heechul the guy in your magazine" I lean closer to him as the two other guys leave us to dance on the dance floor .

"Yeah the escort" he shouts louder at me making me facepalm and look around to see if anyone heard his loud voice "Yes can I have his number" he looks at me in shock and stands up Dancing "omg my shy boy is growing up" I grab his arm and try pull him down to sit. 

"Heechul shhh" I look around again "oh hush no one can hear us it's a nightclub nobody cares" he stands up and twirls around dancing all excited. 

I try to stand up and head to the bathroom as I begin to sway and it's not to the music, more to the drink. Finally reaching the bathroom I decide to use one of the stalls as there are quite a lot of guys fixing themselves in the mirrors.

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