Chapter 14

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"D.O what the hell do you want ?"

"Aww baby don't be like that now, I brought drink" he holds up a bottle of burbon with a big smile on his face while walking further into the room. "Since when did you start calling me cute names?, you never did before" I watch him sway across the room stopping right in front of me.

"Well you always wanted me to call you cute names" he reaches out to touch my hair but I move back stopping him. "What, you dont like it now, you craved for it when we where together" he falls down on the chair beside me drinking from the bottle. I really don't want to be anywhere near him but right now I can't seem to move.

"D.O we are not together anymore I am with baekhyun" I turn my head towards him as he just grins "Funny you say that because you didnt look together when he ran out the door with his bags , which makes me believe you had an argument and broke up" he swigs from the bottle as I grab it from him and smash it on the floor. "We didnt split up , and its none of your business what baekhyun and I get up to" I stand up and walk towards the door looking out into the garden remembering lastnight when me and baekhyun got wet from the sprinklers. I feel his hand on my arm making me jump and turn to look at him. "What the hell do you think you are doing?" I pull away from him as he just laughs "I want you Chanyeol, come on I know baek doesn't do anything for you really" he moves closer making me back up nervously slipping my glasses up the bridge of my nose.  

"I'm with someone else D.O, you left me remember, on our wedding day in front of our family and friends standing there like some loser who everyone felt so sorry for" I turn away as I feel all my emotions that I thought where buried start to build inside me.   "Im sorry Chanyeol ok there you happy?" I turn to face him with rage "Do you honestly think those two words fix everything you put me through, I loved you D.O , I put up with shit I didnt like and still you leave me just like that with no reason, so you can stick your apology where the sun doesnt shine" I turn away from him again making sure he doesnt see the tears that are threating to fall.

"Your right you deserve a proper explanation, please can we sit" he sits patting the cushion beside him for me to sit . Taking a deep breath I sit beside him making sure to be far away as I possibly can. "I am so sorry chanyeol and I do love you, its just what we had wasnt enough for me, I wanted more, I wanted excitment, I wanted role playing, I just craved more".

"Do you hear yourself, the amount of times you said the word I  in one sentence, you didnt even mention me once, we were suppose to be partners. Why didnt you come to me and talk to me about it?"  the smile finally falls from his face as he looks at me with those owl eyes of his.

"I met someone else when we where together Chanyeol" he blurts out looking up at me, waiting for my reaction making me turn my head away from him as I take off my glasses rubbing my eyes not wanting to believe all this. 

After a few minutes I finally get up the courage to ask him "When and where did you meet this person?" I dont even bother to look at him i just want the answer.  

"Chanyeol i dont think..." 

"I ASKED YOU WHEN AND WHERE?" I scream at him making him jump and shock myself at where the rage is coming from.

"At the shop where we bought the wedding Suits" he mumbles making me rock back and forth with my head in my hands not believing what I am hearing. "Our wedding Suits really. What, was it the guy who took your measurements, who ran his hand up your leg measuring you?"  I stand up wanting to punch the wall in front of me.

"No he was in getting measured for his suits, we got talking and he told me about his business and one thing lead to another......." I quickly turn to face him "One thing lead to another, did you sleep with him D.O?"  I wait as he stands up reaching out to me "I'm so sorry chanyeol" I move as far away as I can from him. "It just happened and then we met again and it happened again ....." he continues.

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