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*6 months later - August*

Mariah POV:

These last few months have been weird as hell. Out of everything dat has happened, tha only good thing dat came from it is dat I'm havin' a baby.

Cha's been goin' wit me ta my appointments. I'm not speaking ta August. And haven't spoken ta him in tha last few months. I'm completely done. He's apologized a million times...I've accepted none of them. And I don't plan on it.

As I'm cooking my shrimp, my doorbell goes off. I move my skillet so they won't burn then go towards the door. When I open it, I see Cha. And August...

My facial went from up ta down in point two seconds.

Chandra: "Don't look like dat na, MeMe..."

Me: "What do you want?"

Chandra: "Dis was tha only way ta get y'all together so you two can talk. About somethin' at least..."

Me: "There's nothin' ta talk about though. I've said all dat I had ta say. And there's nothin' more fa him ta say."

August: "Mariah..."

Chandra: "Please, sis? Fa me? Hear him out..."

Me: "Don't take up fa him, Cha..."

Chandra: "I'm not. I got on his ass. You know how I am. But, you're pregnant, honey. And I know you don't wanna do dis alone..."

I walk away and I hear my door close. He follows me in tha kitchen and I continue ta finish my cooking.

Me: "Go on. I'm listening..."

August: "Its been six months, MeMe. Will you come home?"

Me: "No. I meant what I said. Our relationship is done. I knew it was a bad idea fa you and Miracle ta do dat video together. And she wonders why I never liked ha ass..."

August: "Renee, I'm sincerely sorry dat happened..."

Me: "It shouldn't have happened! At all! I don't understand how you fell so easily in ha trap? There's no excuse fa dat. You obviously wanted ta take a dip in tha past-"

August: "No. Dats not what-"

Me: "Obviously it was! You wanna go back ta yo past. Fine. Just do it without me bein' a part of it. Simple. Because one thing I'm not about ta do...is go back down dat road wit chu. In which...I thought was over. But, clearly! It wasn't. I'm so pissed off at chu..."

August: "Do you even care ta speak ta me? Even wit a child on tha way?"

Me: "Ion care if I ever see you again. Or hear yo voice. And as far as dis child...I'll pass along messages through someone..."

August: "Wow. Remember you said dat shit..."

Me: "I'll write down later..."

He walks off and I continue cooking. Cha comes in and stares at me.

Me: "Cha-"

Chandra: "You know I'm the peace maker. And you know I hate seein' y'all act like dis..."

Me: "I've forgiven him one too many times fa shit. And dis time...it's not happening. At all. He shouldn't have did what he did. Period."

Chandra: "Well, regardless...I'm gonna try a fix y'all relationship..."

Me: "I know. You always do..."

Chandra: "Bye, MeMe."

Me: "Bye, Cha.."

She walks out and I just sigh. I hope he treats his next girlfriend right.

Miracle POV:

Me: "You thirsty, Tima?!"

Tima: "Nah. I'm good!"

Tima stopped by to see a real one. Yes, we're still friends. And no, we never fell out.

Me: "Have you spoke to Aug lately?"

Tima: "All the time. Did you forget that he and Travis are brothers?"

Me: "Just askin'.."

Tima: "What's up?"

Me: "Well, six months ago...Aug and I kinda sorta fucked around..."

Her mouth drops open and she stares at me.

Tima: "Seriously!?"

I slowly nod.

Me: "Mariah found out and went crazy. On top of all that...she was a couple months into her pregnancy. So, I mean...I hope that stress didn't make her miscarry her child. But, I just want him to admit...we do have a connection..."

Tima: "Yeahhhh. That won't happen..."

Me: "And why not? It has to happen eventually..."

Tima: "I hate to break it to you, friend. But, he loves Mariah. That's who he is in love with. That's who he sees his future with..."

Me: "Well if that's tha case...why was he with me?"

Tima: "Typical Aug. He's always been that way. It means nothing to him. And, in this case...it was a huge mistake. He feels like shit over it..."

Me: "Shoulda thought about that before it happened. I honestly feel like he's fuckin' with my feelings. And I don't like that..."

Tima: "All I can tell you to do is talk to him about it. Because tha last time I got in tha middle of it...shit went haywire. And...I'm not tryna go back down that path with nobody. Especially Mariah..."

I just sigh and flip my hair back. Maybe when I catch him...I'll bring it up to him.

August POV:

Chandra: "Bro. You really fucked up dis time..."

Me: "You don't think I know dat, Chandra...?"

Chandra: "Aye. Don't take your anger out on me..."

I rub my hands down my face and I sigh heavily.

Me: "I'm sorry..."

I completely fucked up! I did some weak ass shit. And I hurt Mariah in tha process of it! Which is something I didn't wanna do and had no intentions on doin'!

Me: "I'm real life pissed off at myself. It was a dumbass mistake. Somethin' dat should've never happened! But, it did and I can't take dat back. I wish I could because Mariah wouldn't be pissed off at me. Another dumbass mistake ta add ta tha list of dumb shit I've done..."

Chandra: "Yeahhhhhh. I don't think you can fix dis one, Aug. She's reached her breaking point..."

Me: "It needs ta be fixed..."

Chandra: "So, what are you gonna do?"

Me: "I don't know..."

Chandra: "Well, you better think of somethin' quick. You better hope she still had a little like left in ha heart fa you..."

I just look at Cha. I need ta come up wit somethin'. And quick!
Here's a quick update.

Ignore any errors.

I'm also having a $5 sale on my website on all of my lashes. So, if you're in need of new lashes (And support black owned businesses 🙃) my website is www.lashbylanise.com

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