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‼️BEFORE YOU START READING! Go check out dollyytam book "Is It Love". It's an August Alsina book. And I know us Alsina Nation Fans love us some Auggie 💙. WHEN I TELL YOU THE FIRST CHAPTER WILL DRAW YOU IN...IT WILL DRAW YOU INNNNNNNN!!!! So, go check that out! Add it to your library!! I promise you'll love it 🤞🏽‼️

*3 months later - November*

Mariah POV:

I'm havin' tha worst contractions ever. I'm not even due fa another three weeks. Dats tha part dat gets me! It just started getting super intense. Cha's back in NOLA. And she isn't supposed ta be back until my due date!

I grab my phone and just sent a text. I'm in so much pain... I can't talk. Dis is a moment...I wish I had my mom.

*30 minutes later*

As I'm tryin' ta keep my composure...I see August walk around tha corner.

August: "Am I allowed ta take you ta tha hospital or do you wanna sit hea' and suffer ta have a home birth?"

Me: "What do you think, August?"

August: "You could be havin' a home birth fa all I know. Cha was wit chu. Not me..."

Me: "You know what. You're stressing me out. You can go home. It's fine..."

August: "Oh, sit down. Where's yo bag?"

Me: "In my closet..."

I really can't believe at a time like dis....he wants ta be petty. Any other time, I'd entertain his foolishness. But, na ain't tha right time.

When he comes back, He helps me up and we leave. Tha closer we get ta tha hospital...tha worse it gets! Every contraction...I grip August hand.

Granted, he's tryin' ta help me relax. But, it's kinda hard ta do so when you feel like you're being stabbed wit something sharp!

Tha only thing I can hope fa...is a healthy, beautiful baby boy. I've lost too many...
After all tha rushing. All tha nurses bombarding me. I finally have my son. We're just stuck on a name!

As I was brushing his hair, a nurse walked in all smiles with a chipboard in ha hand.

Nurse: "Hi, I'm Amber. I'm the one that's here to give you these papers to fill out for his birth certificate and social security card. Have you two figured out a name yet...?"

August: "No we have not. We're kinda stuck on dat..."

Amber: "Take the time you need. And I'll be back in a few hours for that..." She says with a smile.

Me: "Thank you.."

She walks out and I just look at him.

Me: "I really don't care fa tha name. I'm just over tha top excited dat he's a very healthy beybe. And everything is perfect on him and in him..."

August: "A perfect beybe needs a perfect name..."

He sits next ta me and I rest him in his arms. I just look at August face and he's so happy.

Me: "Melvin..."

He looks at me and I look in his eyes.

Me: "Melvin Amir Alsina. Amir not only means Prince...it also means strong and powerful. And let's honor your brother..."

August: "Dat means a lot ta me

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August: "Dat means a lot ta me..."

Me: "I know how much he meant ta you..."

He gives me a slight smile and I fill out tha packet. I know all of August information. So, I can do dis fa myself.

August: "Soooo....how is dis gon' work out?"

Me: "Nothin' has changed..."

August: "Renee..."

I just look at him.

August: "Come on na. Just come home. It's not tha same without you..."

Me: "Shoulda thought about dat before fuckin' dat bitch in our bed..."

August: "I'll buy a new bed.."

I just give him dat 'really nigga' look.

August: "You know I miss you. I'll apologize every single day if I have ta get chu back. Beybe....come back home..."

Me: "You fucked up, man. Your little dip in tha past cause a huge fuck up in our future..."

August: "I don't want Miracle...."

Me: "Obviously you do. Na you have tha perfect opportunity ta snatch ha up. She's waiting fa it ta happen. Ion wanna deal wit tha bullshit..."

August: "There isn't any bullshit ta deal wit, Mariah. I just want us ta be a happy family. Wit nobody interfering. No problems. We're not seeing eye ta eye. We're not happy. And I want us happy..."

I just sigh and continue ta fill out tha packet...

August: "You know I love you, Renee."

I look at him and he looks in my eyes.

Me: "I can't tell, Anthony.."

August: "Well, I do. You know it. And you love me.."

Me: "I never said I didn't. I always will. But, I've reached my breaking point. I've put up wit a lot of shit from you-"

August: "And I'm a changed person-"

Me: "Yea. You did change. And you went backwards. I was tryin' ta go forward..."

August: "We can..."

I scoff.

August: "We will..."

He turns my face towards his then pecks my lips. Naturally...I kiss him back.

August: "Imma make sure of it..."

I just look at him. Granted...I will always love him. He was my first true love. But, I'm done. Permanently...
Short chapter.

I'm trying to figure out how Imma end this book. I know what's gonna happen..I guess I'll just continue I skip around and lead up to it lol.

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