Chapter 5- You had a bad day

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Oof! I haven't posted in forever. (Sorry about that) So here's a new chapter now! 💜💜💜
When jimin got home around 8:00, he unlocked the door with the spare key he stole from Jin hyung right before he left the studio.

Jimin cautiously unlocked the door and set one foot softly on the floor with the other one following. But when he started to make his way sneakily to his room, he heard soft muffles, maybe even moans. Jimin got curious. "They're maybe having orgy," Jimin thought approaching the room where ORGY FRIDAYS took place. Well it was Friday.

When Jimin got to the door, he slowly opened it and peeked in. They were indeed banging each other. Which means the orgy was taking place. Jimin got so excited. He loved watching his fellow beloved members bang each other while he watched and jaked off. He didn't waste anytime getting inside the room and grabbing a chair. Before even he knew it he was jaking off to the loud moans that were echoing in the room.

This moment was euphoric for Jimin, he loved this so much but he still felt lonely. He still felt left out. He so badly wanted to join in. He yearned for it. Suddenly without even second guessing himself, Jimin got up from his chair. He Took of his clothes, that left him bare naked and crawled onto the bed.

"Get off the bed! Who said you could be in this?!" Jungkook said in frustration but felt horrible after the words came out.

"I'm sorry, Jiminie but this orgy is only for us," Jin stated with guilt dripping out his mouth. (THAT WASN'T THE ONLY THING THAT WAS DRIPPING OUT OF HIS MOUTH heheheh, I'm sorry that was too dirty lol)

Jimin felt his heart break. He wanted to cry right there. But he also wanted to tell them how lonely he was, how he had no one but them. "But I guess they don't want me either," Jimin thought to himself.

Jimin slowly got off the bed and put his clothes back on. He didn't want to be there any longer because he just wanted to burst into tears. And he didn't want any of them to see it, so he ran out of the room. A whispered "sorry" left one of the members lips as he ran out.

Jimin just kept running, by now he was outside. He didn't even want to be in the house. He felt suffocated and so badly wanted fresh air. He ran and ran until he found a cute little coffee shop. Thank god it was still open because it was a very chilly night and, Jimin was only in a t-shirt and jeans.

He made his way into the coffee shop that was named "Dream Bean Coffee House." As he opened the door and stepped in, a waft of coffee filled his nostrils. For some reasons the smell was therapeutic and he didn't know why. It just gave him a welcoming warm feeling. But it didn't take much time for him to feel bad for himself again. He took a seat at one of the far away tables. He saw all the couples and noticed he was the only one alone which made him more sad. That's when the he started to cry. Not loud, it was a soft cry, which only someone would noticed if they really payed attention to him but no one was. They were to busy with their significant others.

Jimin's heart ached and thoughts started to flow in while tears rolled down his face. He has never had a sweet relationship like Hoseok and Yoongi hyung. He has never had a protective man like Jungkook, oh Tae was so lucky. And lastly he has never had a cute marriage like relationship as Jin and Namjoon hyung has. What if he never has that?

He cried even more, this time sobs and he buried his head in his hands to muffle them. He didn't want people to hear what a wreck he was.

"Jimin-ssi are you okay?" A delicate but deep voice asked worriedly, while resting a hand on his shoulder.

Jimin wiped his tears hurriedly and took his time bringing his head up to look at the person. But only for it to droop down again. He just didn't want to face whoever it was because he sounded familiar. But a hand grabbed his chin gently, helping it up again so the unknown person could see Jimin's sad face.

When Jimin saw that it was Chanyeol, he panicked and uttered a soft "sorry" before getting up and attempting to leave. But a hand stopped him.

"Wait Jimin-ssi, u-um why don't you have a cup of coffee with me?" Chanyeol asked softly, he really hated to see Jimin this way, it broke his heart. Usually he would always be smiling but now tears were streaming down his beautiful face. He always noticed Jimin even before they met. He loved his smile it could brighten up a whole room. But his tears grabbed at his heart and he wanted him to smile again.

"I really should go"

"Please, I want you to stay," Chanyeol smiled, while gently tugging on his wrist .

Chanyeol's smile melted Jimin's heart. He decided that his smile could make him feel better any day. Like it did right now.

"Ok," Jimin said in a shy tone.

"Great!" Chanyeol said with a big smile and a chuckle at the end. Jimin could get used to that gorgeous laugh.

Jimin took a seat next the already seated Chanyeol. He didn't know what to say. His hands were sweating and he was very nervous.

"I'll take a iced americano and Jimin-ssi what would you like?" He asked Jimin like a gentlemen.

"Oh um I would like the same thing," He told the waitress while trying to get himself together.

When the waitress left, everything felt silent again. Until she came back with their drinks.

"C'mon," Chanyeol said as he took his drink and handed Jimin's to him.


"We're going somewhere quite and peaceful," Chanyeol whispered into Jimin's ear, which made the skin close to his ear tingle.


"Surprise!" Chanyeol said as he took his hands off of Jimin's eyes.

"Woah," Jimin was dumbfounded looking at the beauty of the glistening lake infront of them. And the sky was filled with little fire flies. It was the most romantic mood.

"There's a bench over there, let's sit," Chanyeol suggested.

They both sat down on the bench, looking at the perfect view infront of them. Jimin could feel their thighs touching because the bench was not very big. That made his face go red. But thank god the night sky was not very bright, so Chanyeol couldn't see him blushing.

"This is beautiful, thank you, I needed this. I didn't have a very good day today, you could probably tell from me crying. Sorry about that" Jimin brought up, wondering what reaction Chanyeol would give back.

"No no don't be sorry. It's not your fault, everyone has bad days," He stated with a reassuring smile. "Would it be okay if I could ask why you were crying?"

" yeah. I just-" Jimin croaked when he felt s lump in his throat form which mean't he was on the brink of tears again. "I don't know, I feel like I have no one y'know? I feel lonely."

"It's okay, it's okay," Chanyeol reassured while rubbing Jimin's back in soothing circles. Jimin  was sobbing at this point.

He started to calm down when Chanyeol kept murmuring 'it's okay or 'it will be okay.' And while Chanyeol held him close, he was enveloped in warmth which made him forget about the loneliness he's always felt.

Thank you for reading!

I hope you liked it! 💖

Oooo! This chapter was a little more sentimental, what will happen next? Heheheh.

Oooo! This chapter was a little more sentimental, what will happen next? Heheheh

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ORGY FRIDAYS- A BANGtan Story (under editing)Where stories live. Discover now