Chapter 2

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Hi guys! Well I have decided to write this chapter right after the first. But school starts in a couple days (and that also means cross country running every day) so I feel like I have to update as much as I can.  Anyways, hope you enjoy this one sweethearts! If you are reading this now, it means you read the first chapter which is absolutely flattering! Love you all!


Cassie :*


Serena's heart was pounding when she went back to the hospital. He kissed her. He kissed her.

It sounds weird, but Serena had never been kissed before. Because she was always in the hospital, sick. Nobody really wanted to kiss her. People feared her, because she always looked awful. The chemo always either made her face puff up so she looked like a chipmunk, or it made her face get deep and hollow.

Nobody wanted to kiss someone like that.

But Harry had cancer. Harry understood.

Serena never thought anyone really cared about her. She was the cancer kid. The girl who everyone felt bad for, who people were always nice to, but nobody was honest to.

But somebody understood Serena. And thought of Serena as a real person.

And as Serena went to bed that night, she thought,  "Maybe if we stick together, me and Harry can get better. Together."


Harry had given Serena his number yesterday, and she was texting him in the morning.

Hey whats up? - Serena

Got my chemo yesterday after we went out. So sick - Harry

aww. do you want me to come over and see you? - Serena

yeah, that would be great - Harry

Serena didn't have chemo that day, so she took it upon herself to visit Harry.

She walked into his room to see the sick boy vomiting profusely into a bucket. His mother was by his side, chanting, "It's going to be fine, shhh, It's going to be fine,"

She turned around and saw Serena standing there. "Oh, you must be Serena. Harry told me about you. I'm Anne," she said sweetly.

"Hi," Serena said quietly. "Did they give him any pain medication?"

"Ativan, yes," Anne said.

"Yeah, Ativan works the best in my opinion," Serena said.

Harry gasped and coughed. "I-I think I'm done," he sputtered.

"I'm so sorry, Harry," Serena said sympathetically. She knew what it was like, and Harry hadn't had cancer for very long, so he was probably feeling horrible.

"Can you come over here?" Harry croaked.

Serena nodded and came over by his side.

Harry held out his hand and Serena clutched it tightly.

"I feel so terrible" Harry said.

"I know, I know," Serena whispered.

"Will things get better?" He asked, his eyes looking up hopefully.

Serena thought for a moment. She decided she should just be honest with him. "Maybe it will, Maybe it won't," she said. "Both things have happened to me."

Harry looked right into her eyes. "I really hope things get better soon." He said quietly.

"Me too," Serena said, lying her head down on his chest. "Me too."


Serena got more and more chemo after that. She was sicker than she'd ever been, and she began to feel hopeless again. Her teeth felt loose, her brain felt like mush, and she was always vomiting.

Things weren't much better for Harry. He was less ill than Serena, definitely, but he was not used to this situation at all and was very scared and depressed.

Harry sometimes got up and visited Serena, but whenever he did it was hard to have an actual conversation with her because she would constantly vomit and she was loopy from the pain medication. But he would always slip into her bed with her, and hold her, and they would cry together, which somehow made things a little easier.

As the two laid in bed together, Serena sniffled and said, "Harry?"

"Yeah?" Harry asked.

"I've been doing this for twelve years now. I don't want to do it anymore." Serena said, her shoulders shaking as she cried.

"Please, Serena. Fight on with me. We can do this together," Harry said, rubbing her shoulder and letting a couple tears spill down his cheeks.

"I can't," Serena wailed.

"Yes you can," Harry assured her.

"No, I really can't. I have to accept the fact that I'm not meant to live," Serena said.

Harry grabbed her face and turned it towards him. "Don't say that. Don't you dare say that. You were given a challenge in life. It's your job to overcome this, like I will overcome mine. We can do this." he said.

"I believe you can, Harry. But I just can't." Serena said, squeezing his hand tight.

Harry leaned in and kissed her.

"Yes you can."


So how did you guys like it? A little drama there, but it's sweet <3 Message me whenever, I love to talk. I was thinking about writing a new fanfic, but I really want to focus on this one. Well buh-bye for now! Much love darlings


Cassie ^-^

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