Chapter 4

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Heyyyy all you cutie pies,

If you are reading this, it means that you bothered to read the first three chapters. Which I'm assuming means you liked it ;) so wonderful!

I'm so living on Wattpad right now. It's a complete obsession.

This chapter will be dedicated to @Miss_Angel because she was going to make my cover for this story, but actually BelWatson ended up doing it.  Y'all should definitely talk to her, she is a true angel lol.

Byebye my sweeties! Muah! Muah! (lol is that what blowing kisses sounds like?)


Cassie :3


Serena felt like she was falling apart. Without her mother to support her, she wasn't as strong. Of course, she still had Harry, but every girl should have their mother to support them through such a hard time.

Serena never left her bed. She didn't feel safe, and, worst of all, she worried about what this meant for her future. Would she be put in foster care? She didn't have a father, so who could she live with? She hadn't told anyone but Harry about her mother's loss because she didn't know what would happen.

A lot of times she thought, "Damn you, Mom, damn you. You left me all alone with no one. If you really loved me you would have stayed."

Harry would bring her flowers and chocolate, but the flowers reminded her of her mother, and she was too depressed to eat anything. Harry was trying, she knew, but this wasn't something he could really fix.

Worst of all, Serena's physical condition was not improving. Her oncologist said that the cancer didn't appear to be going away, which really sucked because that meant that all the crap she'd been experiencing wasn't even working. Serena was worrying that her cancer would never go away and she would die.


"Hello," a chorus of voices whispered as they tip-toed into Serena's room. It was Zayn,Niall, Louis and Liam.

Serena was feeling especially sick that day. "Hello," she said smiling weakly. They didn't know about her mother, of course.

"We were visiting Harry and he dozed off so we thought we'd pay you a visit," Louis said, adjusting his suspenders.

"Oh. It's nice to see all of you again," Serena said.

"How have you been?" Zayn asked, concerned.

"Oh, I'm fine," Serena lied. "Just a bit tired."

"Harry told us you guys have gotten really close," Liam said.

"Yeah, he said he's 'really in love' with you!" Niall said.

Serena laughed and nodded.

"But seriously, he really cares a lot about you," Liam said.

"I know, him and I are dedfinitely really close. I mean, we're going through the excact same thing," Serena explained.

"That's beautiful," Zayn said.

Serena managed to smile. She was feeling nauseous and wanted to vomit on every flat surface in the room.

"So have you met anyone else in the hospital?" Liam asked.

"...No," Serena said, desperately trying not to puke all over herself. She was starting to breathe heavily and sweat.

Louis said, "Are you okay? You look really pale all of a-"

Serena leaned over and vomited all over the floor.

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