0. FYI

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There's a saying a lot of basketball coaches are fond of: "You can't teach height."

In other words—you either got it or you don’t.

And FYI, we do.

We are the people you secretly envy and admire. We are the people who laugh the loudest, party the hardest, and look the best.

We are the In crowd.

Shakespeare once said  "Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them."

Somehow, we got all three.

Envious? You should be. 

We could easily win over your friends, your teachers, and your crush.

We could steal that perfect dress you couldn't fit into, and eat that chocolate without gaining an ounce.

We have unlimited access to money, booze, and your boyfriend's heart.

Who are we, you ask?

We'll, you're about to find out.

And don't think we didn't warn you.

After all, what we girls only want is everything.

And we usually get it.


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©2013 by hapz_2bme

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