Walking around.

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Hello! New chapter . :D

I have nothing to do today so I might update another chapter but I'm not sure. Hope you will all like this chapter . Don't forget to rate and comment . =}

' Wake up everybody . ' Younis was shouting , the leader .

We all got out of our tents , covered in black .

' You'll all start practicing today . Except you , Lilia . Because you're sick and weak , so you can do nothing . ' He said .

Muhamad looked at me but he didn't smile so I looked away.

' Now start eating and get ready to practice , because maybe the Lawless Force will attack us after a week or two. ' He said , and left.

They all started to eat and I was sitting alone eating , and looking around.

' Are you Rami's sister ? ' A voice said.

I freaked out , but I couldn't lie .

' Yeah. Why? '

' Just asking. He talked to me about you , and he said that you never leave the house and you don't want to come to the mountains but you're here. ' He said.

' What do you want? ' I said.

' Nothing . But I bet Rami doesn't know that you are here and if he knows he'll kill you . '

' Get lost . ' I said .

' Hey dude leave her alone . ' Some guy said . And the annoying guy left.

' Thanks a lot . I owe you. ' I said.

' No need to thank me . He is Meer , he is Rami's friend . Be careful . ' He said.

' Oh okay . Thank you . ' I said.

' By the way , I'm Ahmad . '

' Nice to meet you , Ahmad. ' I said , smiling .

He sat next to me and we were eating without saying a word .

' How did you meet Muhamad? ' He said.

' Ah , our parents are friends . '

' Great. ' He smiled.

Muhamad was looking at me in a really wierd way , I have no idea why.

' I'll go now . If you ever need anything tell me . ' Ahmad said.

' Thanks. ' I said , smiling . And he left. The practice started and everybody was busy , except me .

I walked around and looked at the mountains they were so beautiful ! The kind of beautiful that words can't describe .

Hours passed and they were still practicing .

I sat down on the floor , looking at the sky.

' Why was Ahmad talking to you? ' Muhamad said.

I was surprised to see him here.

' Meer was bothering me and he told him to go away so I thanked him. ' I said.

' Aha good. Meer is Rami's friend so be careful. '

' Okay. ' I said , looking away.

He sat down. I looked at him like , why did you sit? You must practice .

' Younis said that I can sit because I can hold a gun and shoot well. ' He said.

' Great. ' I said , while looking at the mountains .

' They're beautiful ha ? ' He asked.

' Beyond beautiful . '

' Wanna go for a walk around the mountains ? '

' And if Younis finds out ? ' I asked.

' We're good friends , don't worry. '

' Lets go then . ' I said , standing up.

' Ah I forgot that you're sick . ' He said.

' I don't care , we're going for a walk . Now. ' I said.

' Okay okay . ' He said laughing .

And we went for a walk .


We walked for half an hour .

' Can we sit here ? Please . I can't walk anymore . ' I said.

' Sure . '

My breathing was heavy , I sat down and closed my eyes .

' Are you okay ? ' He said.

' I'm fine . ' I said with eyes closed.

' The walk wasn't a good idea . We should go back. '

' No .'I said standing up .

' Lets go . ' I said.

' Are you sure? ' He asked.

' Yes. '

We walked around looking at the mountains . We walked for another half an hour and we saw a beautiful lake and we sat infront of the lake . I checked my watch to see what time is it and it was 6:30 P.M .

Muhamad looked at me ' what time is it? ' He said ,

' 6:30 ' I said .

We sat in silence , I wanted to break the silence .

' Can I ask you a question ? ' I said.

' You can ask me anything , Lilia. ' He said , smiling .

' Why do you smoke? '

' You remembered the day at your house ? '

' Yeah. ' I said.

' I smoke when I'm nervous . '

' And why were you nervous that day?'

' Because I was thinking about coming to the mountains and I was nervous . '

' Aha good . ' I said .

We talked and laughed for hours . He was so funny and handsome I seriously couldn't stop looking at him .

' What do you think Meer wants from me? ' I asked.

' He is Rami's friend , when Rami was here they spent everyday together . So be careful , if he goes back to the city he might tell Rami about you. '

' And what should I do then? I have no other place to go to. '

' Don't think about it. He can't go to the city now . ' He said , smiling.

' And what about Ahmad ? ' I asked.

' He is a good guy. He helps everyone here and everybody loves him. He left his family , wife and daughter behind . '

' Thats sad.'

' Yeah. Shall we go ? ' He asked.

' Yeah its 10:30 . '

We walked back and when we were near the force I asked him about his age .

' Twenty ' He said.' Two years older than you. '

' How did you know that I'm eighteen? ' I asked , laughing .

' I have my own ways , Lilia. ' He smiled.

He walked with me till we got to the tent .

' Sleep tight beautiful Lilia. ' He smiled.

' You too ugly Muhamad. ' I said and we both laughed and he left .

I got in the tent and I let my hair down . I layed down . I was so tired the kind of tired that no amount of sleep can fix . And happy . Oh how happy I was . I fell asleep with Muhamad on my mind , again.

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