•• chapter 1. Birthday ••

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Mike's PoV

"Chazzy, wake up baby." I said lightly to Chester who was still sleeping adorably. He slightly opened his eyes for a second before closing them again, stirring in his half sleep state. "Cmon Baby, we have to get to Brad and Rob's remember? It's Kayla's birthday today." I said, holding his cheek in my hand. Rob and Brad had adopted a Girl named Kayla, she turned 11 years old today and Chester definitely had to be there since he seemed to be her favorite uncle.

Chester let out a low groan before sitting up, stretching and yawning. He rubbed his eyes and looked at me "Mikey, could you give me my glasses?" He asked, I gave him a quick yes before grabbing his glasses of the nightstand and handing them over to him. He put on his glasses and shot me a cute, little smile.

We got way closer after the whole thing with Cora, Chester now usually comes to me when something's bothering him and I'll help him, and the other way around.

He also has a lot of nightmares about it, He used to wake me up, but he started feeling bad for doing so.. I told him over a million times that he's worth waking up for and that it doesn't bother me, But I still sometimes automatically wake up in the middle of the night to see his crying and shaking form in front of me.

"Mikey, could you hand me my boxers?" Chester asked, a slight pink blush flushing over his cheeks. I nodded "of course." Before tossing him a new pair of underwear. He put them on and stood up from the bed after.

We both got dressed for the day and headed downstairs to see the kids in their pajamas, already running around the living room.

Draven noticed us first and yelled "Dad! Daddy!" Before sprinting towards us, followed by the rest of his younger siblings.

They pulled us into a tight hug. "Good morning." I grinned, "good morning Dad." Said the kids.

Chester went into the kitchen to make breakfast and I was helping him. Jaime and Malia walked into the room together, Jaime was in college now but he decided to stay here for the spring break.

"Ugh, could you guys, not be so loud next time you decide to do it...ew." Jaime spoke. "Could say the same for you and Malia a few nights ago." Chester chuckled. "Dad!" Jaime said as his face turned bright red. I rubbed his head making him roll his eyes "He's just kidding, bud." I chuckled. Jaime fixed his hair and chuckled.

Not long after that we were all getting ready to leave and go to Brad and Rob's place. We cramped up in my car since it had more space then Chester's but it still didn't have enough space so we ended up going with both cars .

Chester took Jaime and Malia with him and I took Draven, Lila and Otis with me.

Chester's PoV

Malia and Jaime sat in the backseat together and I joked "aww, no one wants to sit with me." Before faking a sob. Jaime chuckled and Malia giggled. Then I just drove in silence and Malia and Jaime were talking about something, I didn't know what and I'm pretty sure it wasn't meant for me to hear.. probably teens being teens. I let out a breathy smile and I shook my head a little as they whispered at each other. I turned on the radio softly and I tapped my fingers on the steering wheel along to the rhythm of the song and I hummed along.

Eventually I asked "so, how's school?" Wow that was dad Like.

"It's okay." Jaime said. I nodded, I should let them be.

I parked near Rob and Brad's house to see that Mike had already arrived and the rest of the guys as well.

We went towards the doorbell but before I could even ring it someone opened the door "Chester please help!" Said Brad as he opened the door. "What why?" I asked, chuckling. "You're good with kids! Please entertain them whilst I get food." Brad said. I smiled and nodded "you got it."

I entered the house to only see adults, I greeted them all individually but then I noticed something, I furrowed my eyebrows "where are the kids?"

Before Brad or Rob or anyone could Answer I heard laughs outside and some screams. I smiled and went outside, I saw Kayla and some of her friends talking about memes, vines and warrior cats. I also noticed that They got a bouncy house for her and I will definitely have to get in there, I fucking love bouncy houses.

As soon as Kayla saw me she sprinted towards me from the other side of the backyard and nearly knocked me over with a hug "Uncle Chester! I got this really cool warrior cats shirt from my friend! Wait I'll show you!" She said as she ran inside to get her shirt.

I chuckled softly and quickly went inside to get a drink. Mike went outside with me this time and he held me closer with his arm around my waist. We did get so much closer which I was so happy about.

He kissed my cheek and I closed my eyes for a second until I heard Kayla "Uncle Chester! Look!" I opened my eyes to see her holding a warrior cats shirt "Oh my god is that Brackenfur?" I smiled, I loved that Shirt! Kayla nodded happily with some sort of spark in her eyes, Her emotions are always clearly visible in her eyes.

"Uncle Chaz, let's go to the bouncy house! My friends are there too." Kayla smiled. And I smiled back, nodding, Like I said, I loved bouncy houses.

We ran over the grass lawn to the bouncy house. I took off my shoes, Kayla already wasn't wearing any, her friends weren't either.

I got into the bouncy house and we just jumped around, but since I'm not a child anymore I couldn't jump around as much as they could so I ended up laying down. The kids started jumping around me, trying to launch me into the air and after a while they managed to do it making me laugh.

"Kids! And Chester! Cmon inside time for cake and gifts!" Called Rob from the other side of the backyard. I got out of the bouncy house with a groan, I put my shoes on again and I walked to the house with the kids.

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