•• epilogue ••

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Sorry for taking long to update, just kinda had some odd writers block lol and I can't say I'm happy with this chapter but ya... Thank you so much for reading and as always..

Happy reading :)

Now's the last goodbye...

I stood in front of the casket, Next to the grave..

"W-well... Chester I just.. I-I wish you're well up there and.. I-I love you.. I-I always w-will... I-I'll never forget a-all those good times and... all the things we've experienced... g-goodbye baby, Be well..." I choked out and finished speaking about him before others got to say their goodbyes..

Eventually when everyone was finished, they lowered his casket into the ground... And-

I shot up in bed, Looking for Chester and panicking when he wasn't there but.. then I remembered, He's safe, He's safe... in the hospital... He's okay and will be back home with me soon..

Chester stayed in the hospital for another while but in the meantime I started planning out like a welcome home party.. today we were gonna take him home again...

Chester's PoV

Well, I'm still alive aren't I?

Maybe I haven't lived long enough yet... I didn't even think I'd Make it to 17... strange to think of it... if I really didn't make it to 17, Linkin Park could've been a completely other band, different vocalist, some songs wouldn't be the way they are or exist At all..


Suddenly someone walked through the door and when I saw who it was, I smiled.. Mike.

"Hey Chazzy." He smiled "How are you feeling?"

"Cheesy to say but... Even better now that you're around." I smiled before chuckling a bit. I knew I got to go home today and I was pretty excited for that.. So I couldn't help but smile.

"Wow Chaz," Mike chuckled "That is pretty cheesy but.. I'm happy I get to take you back home today."

I grinned "Yeah.. I uhm.. I think I got everything ready.."  "Good."

So here we were, in the car on our way home.. however, Mike seemed nervous, I wonder why..

"Mike? What's wrong?" I asked, he just smiled "hmm? Nothing."

"Are you sure?"


"Look, Mikey I am so sorry and I know I shouldn't've done what I did.." I started.. Blaming myself. Mike's eyes widened "Wait what?! Chaz.... This.. Oh my god baby this was never your fault! I was the one that.. Kicked you out.. Hell I even.. I did that.." He motioned to the cast around my arm "So please Chester, Don't blame yourself for everything..."

"I-I... Well... I was the one that decided-" "shh.. shh.. Chester I don't want to hear it, please? Can we just.. leave this behind?" Mike asked, placing his hand on my leg. I just looked at Mike who continued driving home.. Once we got there I noticed more cars than usual...

Mike's spot for his car was still free tho, so he parked there and walked over to open the door for me and there we were, walking to the front door..

Just as soon as we entered, I noticed a banner hanging by the stairs railing "Welcome home Chester."

Then I noticed lots of people in the living room as soon As I looked over they yelled "Welcome back Chaz!"

I could only smile.. Everyone was here.. The guys.. The kids... some friends and Mike's parents...

I smiled... Feeling... joy.. so that was how that felt again? Hadn't felt it in forever..

The guys walked up to me, smiling before Dave suddenly hugged me, being careful with my arm "Thank god you're ok, Chaz.."

"Yeah.."'I chuckled before my smile faded and I looked over all the people in the room.. "Look.. uhm everyone.. I am so sorry about what happened and-"

"Chester, what??" Mike interrupted me "You shouldn't be sorry, Love, Non of this is your fault.. If anyone'd have to apologize, it should be me!"


"No, Chester, let's just.. Please make this a happy moment?" Mike smiled before hugging me "I love you." He said, followed by a kiss on top of my head.

"I love you too.." I smiled.

Suddenly Draven approached me "dad?" He whispered, I spun around and smiled at the fact he called me that...

"Hi Dray." I smiled before I noticed tears welling in his eyes, He nearly ran over to me before wrapping his arms around me tightly "I'm so sorry... I-I shouldn't've acted the way I did.."

"It's okay Dray, We all do things we regret later sometimes, but the people that love you are likely to forgive... And I'll always forgive you.." I smiled, hugging him back.

Eventually he let go and I greeted everyone else, Neil and Matt were here too... And I saw Draven apologize to him, causing me to smile.. He changed, but in a good way.

Everything seemed to be falling back into place...

Maybe I ended up in the hospital because it was meant to happen, Everything happens for a reason.. Even if I died in there, there must've been a reason... Which would've been for the others to find out...

Yet I think I survived all those near deaths or suicide attempts because... I'm where I'm meant to be.

This is who I am, what I do and how I live... I wouldn't be able to say it a few years ago but, This life was meant for me.

And it's lovely. I have a good family, Great friends, dream job... anything I'd want to have... The new album coming up too...

Mike smiled at me "What's on your mind Chazzy?"

"Life." I smiled "It's good right now... Everything feels like.. It feels like everything fell into place.. Like this is how it's meant to be."

"I'm glad you feel like that Chester." He smiled, hugging me "do You know how strong you actually are? It's insane..." Mike chuckled.

"Thanks Mike..." I smiled "Never thought I'd even make it this far.."

"I know, But... I'm so happy you did."

I grinned "So am I Mikey, So am I."

"Chaz," Mike looked at me "I love you."

"I love you too," I smiled "no matter what."

•• END ••

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