•• chapter 5. Hallucinations ••

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Chester's PoV

I sighed again as I looked at the time, 4:27 and I still haven't been able to get any sleep. Mike was sleeping soundly... I was feeling horrible but I didn't want to wake him up.

I can't believe Draven said that.. he must be really frustrated.. or he hates us. What If I did drown that night and Mike would've found someone new and if that person would be a woman, Draven would've had a mother.. he would've been happier then right?

I love Draven so so much just like all my other kids but, I can't believe I'm making him so unhappy by just being with Mike. I want him to be happy but I also love Mike.

I let myself become lost inside these thoughts until the morning light. My eyelids fell of tiredness and I nearly fell asleep until..

"Chester?" Mike whispered. My eyes opened a little and Mike must've noticed I didn't sleep at all.

"Oh shit.. sorry." He whispered as he pressed me against his Chest "Try and get some sleep okay? I'll be here." He whispered and I let myself drift off, hearing the sound of Mike's heartbeat.

"N-no.." I woke up back in that chair... in the same warehouse. "No, No, No!" I started panicking and tried to pull at the restraints. Tears began running down my cheeks and then out of the darkness, Cora appeared, that psychotic smile on her face, I gasped and my eyes widened.

"You know, You'll never get rid of me. I'll always be in your mind somewhere. You'll always remember me. And eventually, You will be so done that you'll take matters into your own hands." She said "But I got one last thing for you."

I was breathing unevenly and I was freaking out but when she turned the lights on, I stopped moving... It was Mike.

"You shouldn't've gone through all this trouble, baby." He said to Cora. I felt shot in the chest, I looked down at my hands but didn't see my ring... I did see it on Cora's hand.

I also saw that Cora's hand moved to Mike's cheek and they got into a heated kiss... I couldn't do anything, I could only watch.

"Aren't you so happy to be rid of him?" Cora asked Mike who nodded in agreement "yeah, so are the kids and everyone else."

I broke down and broke into sobs.

"Chester! Chazzy! Shhh... You're having a nightmare baby. Wake up!" Mike shook me awake.

"Oh g-god! M-Mike!" I sobbed into his shirt. "Shh, I got you Chaz, You're save here. I love you." Whispered Mike. I stopped crying after a while of Mike's comforting words... I'm so grateful that I met Mike.

I checked the time and It was 11:38

I was getting ready to stress "The kid-"

"Don't worry, I texted Joe when you were asleep, He got them ready for school and stuff."

I nodded and calmed down again, but then I remembered, Draven... I sighed as I got up and left to the bathroom without saying a word.

I leaned on the bathroom's countertop and looked down at the sink before looking at my own reflection. I looked tired, dark circles around my eyes. I did manage to get back to how my body was before Cora, just got more Scars now.

I sighed deeply and thought about what Draven had said "Yet my parents are Faggots!"


The word I have been called for quite some time of my life. But non of those times hurt as much as now, Draven's my son..

He may not biologically be my son but it feels like he is really a part of me. I love him so much and I never wanted him to get hurt.

I stared at my reflection but I suddenly saw something behind me, Cora!

I screamed as I tried to spin around to face her but I tripped and fell to the floor. I cried out and backed into a corner. I was hyperventilating and tears ran down my cheeks as I closed my eyes as tightly as they could go "It's not real, It's not real, She's not real, She's not real." I said to myself.

I heard her speak "Chester!"

"Chester! Open the door!" Her voice rang through my head.

"Chaz! Chester! It's me!" The voice was changing a little... started to sound more masculine.

Mike's PoV

Chester just went into the bathroom, nothing to be worried about.. I thought. Until I heard him scream out followed by a loud thud.

I heard him breathing rapidly and crying out before choking out "It's not real, It's not real, She's not real, She's not real."

"Chester!" I called as I was turning the doorknob repeatedly "Chester! Open the door!" I called.

But then I remembered... he must be hallucinating "Chaz! Chester! It's me!" I called "Mike!" I called again.

"M-Mike!" He choked out.

"Yeah! It's me baby." I said.

I backed away a little from the door and heard it unlock, it opened to reveal Chester's shaking form.

I pulled him into a hug and hushed him "ssh, It's okay Chazzy. I'm here. No one's gonna hurt you. I love you."

He wouldn't calm down, whatever he saw or heard it really shocked him, must've seen or heard Cora..

I walked to the living room carrying him since he was shaking and I didn't want him to fall down the stairs or anything.

I sat him down on the couch before walking to the piano,  playing a random tune and singing to it.

"If I cannot break your fall
I'll pick you up right off the ground
If you felt invisible, I won't let you feel that now
This is not black and white
There are no clear solutions
I'm just trying to get it right
And in spite of all I should've done."

Chester's crying changed into hiccups in the middle of the song and he calmed down. I sat back next to him after I finished singing, I embraced him and he whispered "You have a beautiful voice, Mikey."

"Hmm.. I wanted to Make that song happen one day, but I don't think it'll fit on the next album." I spoke "by the way, you have the best voice."

"You may think that, but your's is perfect to me." He said. I kissed him and immediately felt his response.

But we parted away from each other as we heard a disgusted sigh...

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